選Offer 男生、外向、喜歡戲劇、文理目前看不出傾向,國內公立,9申9,托福96,維力克4.3,無SSAT,目前收到offer有Cheshire Academy 、Darlington School、The Village School、The MacDuffie School、North Broward Preparatory School、Wilbraham & Monson Academy、The Brook Hill School、Christchurch School、The White Mountain School等。Cushing Academy、San Domenico School候補。請教各位老師和家長們,推薦哪個學校? ( 11個offer )
chaniiiiii 通過網站提問于2022-03-11 11:50:49 | 有校方回復
15 回答官方回答
我們學校目前有296個寄宿位置。整個高中部學生中18%為中國學生。 要申請成為本校寄宿學生, 學生需要提交近兩年的學術成績單及托??荚嚦煽?我們的托福分數要求為70分同時也接受TOEFL Junior, IELTS, Oxford On-line Placement Test (OOPT)等成績,除此之外還需要提交學校老師的推薦信。為了錄取適合匹配我們學校的學生,我們的校長Ms. Gabriella Rowe每年都會到中國面試學生 2017年截至今天, 我們154位高年級學生被699所不同大學錄取并獲得$7,863,660美元的獎學金。學生進入了許多非常優秀的大學就讀,過去五年來我們許多學生進入:哈佛,MIT,萊斯大學,伯克利大學,紐約大學等學校 在校學生93%高年級同學選修IB數學課程,84% 選修IB科學課程。關于最近學校的sat不良事件, 學校已採取行動且參與的學生已不在學校就讀。這是史無前例的,我們對這次的事件感到非常失望。在學校我們盡可能提供所有學生需要的支持,鼓勵孩子誠實、守信,嚴謹求學,我們不希望學生認為考試作弊是成功的捷徑。學校將一如既往提供學生需要的支持,幫助孩子們申請大學,準備升學考試, 引導他們朝著下一個人生目標努力。 目前正在準備申請大學的同學們不用擔心會受影響,學校的行政部門已介入處理, 這次的事件不會影響學校的聲譽以及在校生的升學資格 學校將會繼續保持嚴謹的治學態度, 引導學生以誠信的態度通往成功、創造價值。 原文:Ratio of Chinese Boarders to High School Population 18% of The Village School’s High School population is boarding students from China. The school has capacity for 296 boarding students. Admissions Process for Boarding Students To meet the rigorous curriculum requirements of The Village School residential life students must submit an application, send strong academic transcripts from the previous two years, take a standardized English test, preferably TOEFL with a minimum score of 70+, but the other tests accepted are: TOEFL Junior, IELTS, Oxford On-line Placement Test (OOPT), and submit teacher recommendations. Our head of school Ms. Gabriella Rowe goes to China every year to interview candidates so we can pick the best-fit candidates. Village College Information 2017’s 154 seniors have been accepted to 699 colleges and universities and received $7,863,660 in merit scholarships to date. Village students matriculate at a distinguished list of colleges and universities. The following is a list of some of the most popular choices over the past five years: Harvard, MIT, Rice University, Berkeley, NYU, SMU, Georgia Tech, Boston University, McGill, Pace University, University of Houston, Washington University in St. Louis, University of Texas, Wellesley, Texas A&M, Vanderbilt University, and University of British Columbia. STEAM Stats for Village 93% of seniors are enrolled in an International Baccalaureate math course. 84% of seniors are enrolled in an International Baccalaureate science course. SAT Issue Regarding the recent and unfortunate SAT allegations, The Village School has taken action and those students are no longer enrolled at our school. While this is a rare occurrence, we are extremely disappointed in the choices of these students. At Village, we strive to provide every child with the support they need to feel as prepared as possible. We do not want any student to feel that cheating is their best option to succeed. We will continue to support all of our students through the college application and testing process to provide them with comfort and direction as we guide them towards the next chapter in their lives. Rest assured, the students who are currently in the college application process will not be affected. Due to the swift action of Village’s administration, the incident will not impact the reputation of the school or the candidacy of college applicants. We will continue to showcase our academic rigor, achievements, and values celebrating the success and integrity of our community. 原文:Ratio of Chinese Boarders to High School Population 18% of The Village School’s High School population is boarding students from China. The school has capacity for 296 boarding students. Admissions Process for Boarding Students To meet the rigorous curriculum requirements of The Village School residential life students must submit an application, send strong academic transcripts from the previous two years, take a standardized English test, preferably TOEFL with a minimum score of 70+, but the other tests accepted are: TOEFL Junior, IELTS, Oxford On-line Placement Test (OOPT), and submit teacher recommendations. Our head of school Ms. Gabriella Rowe goes to China every year to interview candidates so we can pick the best-fit candidates. Village College Information 2017’s 154 seniors have been accepted to 699 colleges and universities and received $7,863,660 in merit scholarships to date. Village students matriculate at a distinguished list of colleges and universities. The following is a list of some of the most popular choices over the past five years: Harvard, MIT, Rice University, Berkeley, NYU, SMU, Georgia Tech, Boston University, McGill, Pace University, University of Houston, Washington University in St. Louis, University of Texas, Wellesley, Texas A&M, Vanderbilt University, and University of British Columbia. STEAM Stats for Village 93% of seniors are enrolled in an International Baccalaureate math course. 84% of seniors are enrolled in an International Baccalaureate science course. SAT Issue Regarding the recent and unfortunate SAT allegations, The Village School has taken action and those students are no longer enrolled at our school. While this is a rare occurrence, we are extremely disappointed in the choices of these students. At Village, we strive to provide every child with the support they need to feel as prepared as possible. We do not want any student to feel that cheating is their best option to succeed. We will continue to support all of our students through the college application and testing process to provide them with comfort and direction as we guide them towards the next chapter in their lives. Rest assured, the students who are currently in the college application process will not be affected. Due to the swift action of Village’s administration, the incident will not impact the reputation of the school or the candidacy of college applicants. We will continue to showcase our academic rigor, achievements, and values celebrating the success and integrity of our community. 原文:Ratio of Chinese Boarders to High School Population 18% of The Village School’s High School population is boarding students from China. The school has capacity for 296 boarding students. Admissions Process for Boarding Students To meet the rigorous curriculum requirements of The Village School residential life students must submit an application, send strong academic transcripts from the previous two years, take a standardized English test, preferably TOEFL with a minimum score of 70+, but the other tests accepted are: TOEFL Junior, IELTS, Oxford On-line Placement Test (OOPT), and submit teacher recommendations. Our head of school Ms. Gabriella Rowe goes to China every year to interview candidates so we can pick the best-fit candidates. Village College Information 2017’s 154 seniors have been accepted to 699 colleges and universities and received $7,863,660 in merit scholarships to date. Village students matriculate at a distinguished list of colleges and universities. The following is a list of some of the most popular choices over the past five years: Harvard, MIT, Rice University, Berkeley, NYU, SMU, Georgia Tech, Boston University, McGill, Pace University, University of Houston, Washington University in St. Louis, University of Texas, Wellesley, Texas A&M, Vanderbilt University, and University of British Columbia. STEAM Stats for Village 93% of seniors are enrolled in an International Baccalaureate math course. 84% of seniors are enrolled in an International Baccalaureate science course. SAT Issue Regarding the recent and unfortunate SAT allegations, The Village School has taken action and those students are no longer enrolled at our school. While this is a rare occurrence, we are extremely disappointed in the choices of these students. At Village, we strive to provide every child with the support they need to feel as prepared as possible. We do not want any student to feel that cheating is their best option to succeed. We will continue to support all of our students through the college application and testing process to provide them with comfort and direction as we guide them towards the next chapter in their lives. Rest assured, the students who are currently in the college application process will not be affected. Due to the swift action of Village’s administration, the incident will not impact the reputation of the school or the candidacy of college applicants. We will continue to showcase our academic rigor, achievements, and values celebrating the success and integrity of our community. 原文:Ratio of Chinese Boarders to High School Population 18% of The Village School’s High School population is boarding students from China. The school has capacity for 296 boarding students. Admissions Process for Boarding Students To meet the rigorous curriculum requirements of The Village School residential life students must submit an application, send strong academic transcripts from the previous two years, take a standardized English test, preferably TOEFL with a minimum score of 70+, but the other tests accepted are: TOEFL Junior, IELTS, Oxford On-line Placement Test (OOPT), and submit teacher recommendations. Our head of school Ms. Gabriella Rowe goes to China every year to interview candidates so we can pick the best-fit candidates. Village College Information 2017’s 154 seniors have been accepted to 699 colleges and universities and received $7,863,660 in merit scholarships to date. Village students matriculate at a distinguished list of colleges and universities. The following is a list of some of the most popular choices over the past five years: Harvard, MIT, Rice University, Berkeley, NYU, SMU, Georgia Tech, Boston University, McGill, Pace University, University of Houston, Washington University in St. Louis, University of Texas, Wellesley, Texas A&M, Vanderbilt University, and University of British Columbia. STEAM Stats for Village 93% of seniors are enrolled in an International Baccalaureate math course. 84% of seniors are enrolled in an International Baccalaureate science course. SAT Issue Regarding the recent and unfortunate SAT allegations, The Village School has taken action and those students are no longer enrolled at our school. While this is a rare occurrence, we are extremely disappointed in the choices of these students. At Village, we strive to provide every child with the support they need to feel as prepared as possible. We do not want any student to feel that cheating is their best option to succeed. We will continue to support all of our students through the college application and testing process to provide them with comfort and direction as we guide them towards the next chapter in their lives. Rest assured, the students who are currently in the college application process will not be affected. Due to the swift action of Village’s administration, the incident will not impact the reputation of the school or the candidacy of college applicants. We will continue to showcase our academic rigor, achievements, and values celebrating the success and integrity of our community.
Ms.Gabriella Rowe (Head of School at The Village School) 通過 網站 回答于2017-11-03 23:01:29 | 校方回復 |
4 回答
4 回答
2 回答
1. Village是優先選擇。 2. CATS中國人超級多,并不是一個很好的就讀體驗,而且學生質量參差不齊,圈子會比較影響學習。
美高小寒工作室: TOP美高美本申請 通過 網站 回答于2024-08-05 22:04:19 |