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Percentage of boarding is approximately 5%. In general, the 79 members of the class of 2015 applied to 184 different colleges and received a total of 304 acceptances; 49 schools were represented among their final matriculation plans. Colleges include University of Chicago, Harvard College, University of Pennsylvania, Yale University, Dartmouth College, Columbia University, and others. The School has three orchestras, and are primarily performance-based, in the pursuit of performances held throughout the year. Orchestra members may have a wide variety of experience, but all should be able to play their instruments well enough that rehearsals are focused on ensemble skills (playing together in time and in tune, adjusting balance and establishing style) rather than individual skills (knowing fingerings, proper posture and hand position, tone production, reading music/rhythms). For the Lower School Orchestra, a student who can play relatively simple melodies with good rhythm and pitch is well suited to the group. AT Pomfret School, the percentage of boarding at is approximately 75%.
Ace Academy Debbie Hung 老師 通過 網站 回答于2016-10-22 09:10:23 |
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各方面軟實力很不錯,托福成績偏低了,需要把成績提上去才有更多的選擇空間。 Sidwell Friends是華盛頓周邊的一個頂尖走讀學校,一般來說不招收國際生,里面的學生大部分都是很有家庭背景的,奧巴馬的女兒也在那里讀書。這個學校不建議做為考慮對象。 St. Albans是全美最頂尖的寄宿男校之一,申請難度很大,每年只招收3-4個中國學生。今年我們有一個孩子被這個學校錄取,托福107,SSAT 94%,各方面條件也很突出,僅供參考。 全美的寄宿學校一共有300個左右,可以參照FS的關注度排名重點在前70個里面挑選10個你認為合適的申請。 http://www.61mw.com/ranking/11
選Offer 理科強,初中數學競賽國內獎項,性格內斂,面試不強。 ( 2個offer )
FS用戶 通過網站提問于2015-03-12 17:41:00
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1、畢業走向良好,如上面達康之父所述。 2、學術好,運動強,21個美國總統獎學金獲得者。 3、很多學生有顯赫的家庭背景和社會關系。 4、相對于學生的個人發展而言,學校更加關注學術,在這樣的環境里,學霸更受尊重,能力平平的學生容易被忽視。 5、適合的學生除上述第三點外,還需要有平和的心態、適應競爭環境的能力,良好的學習能力和情緒管理能力。
Mishell老師-北京 通過 網站 回答于2015-02-12 17:34:09 |
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