As an educator, I think the most important impact people in my position can make is to develop character. It is through character that we wish to inspire positive change, whether that change be within oneself, academically, psychologically or mentally, for the benefit of our communities, or for society as a whole. When we are dealing with students, we hope to impart upon them a strength of character that they can leverage into values, goals, and inspiration.
• B.S.(美國伊利諾伊香檳大學),MBA(中歐國際工商學院)
• 全美優秀學生獎學金,伊利諾伊州優秀畢業生獎學金,伊利諾伊大學詹姆斯獎學金,國際商學榮譽學會成員
• 在美國及中國有10年多的教育經驗,在伊利諾伊大學擔任過工程學教學助理;同時幫學生準備SAT(98%)、ACT滿分(99%)、GMAT(98%)、AP等標準考試準備。Wilson主要從事申美高和美本輔導,TOEFL及SSAT標化指導
• 在他多年的教學輔導下,許多學員已經順利進入美國頂尖私立高中及大學,如: Groton, Choate, St. Paul's, Milton, Fay, Eaglebrook, University of Chicago, Cornell, Rochester, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
• 教學之余,Wilson更是各項慈善項目和活動的積極組織者與參與者,不僅自己身體力行幫助社團與個人,還用心將這種慈善公益理念融入平日的教學中,潛移默化將“予人玫瑰,手有余香”的關愛和奉獻精神傳遞給每一位學生。他充分鼓勵與引導學生將書本所學知識與社會現實熱點相結合,擴展生命的寬度與廣度,同時積極承擔更多的公民責任