選Offer 老師好,我們拿到下面兩個學校的offer,麻煩各位幫忙看一下應該選擇哪個?謝謝!孩子興趣愛好:商業(yè),心理學,哲學,單簧管,武術,魔術,網(wǎng)球,羽毛球。 ( 8個offer )
FS用戶 通過網(wǎng)站提問于2021-03-18 08:20:19
7 回答
您好,之前放榜的都是EA,ED的學校,RD的學?;緯?月1日之前陸續(xù)放榜,可以等那時候再看一下。關于PEA 2018-2020的大學走向,也可以參考以下鏈接:https://www.exeter.edu/academics/college-counseling/beyond-exeter/college-matriculation
【麗格教育】波士頓Lily老師 通過 網(wǎng)站 回答于2021-03-22 07:03:14 |
4 回答
Andover and Exeter are related. Different members of the same family founded each school. Samuel Phillips founded Andover in 1778; his Uncle, John Phillips, founded Exeter in 1781, Hence, Andover is known as Phillips Academy (PA), and Exeter is called Phillips Exeter Academy (PEA). Andover and Exeter are also connected in the public imagination. In an episode of the Simpsons, a salesman at a fund raiser tries to sell Homer a t-shirt for the local school his children attend. When Homer refuses to buy that t-shirt because he does not want to be associated with that local school, the vendor says that his two best-selling t-shirts are "Phillips Springfield Andover" and "Phillips Springfield Exeter." As for Andover and Exeter, the important question is not which is the better school. It is which is the better school for you. That's a question of fit, and only you can answer that question for yourself. Some differences between Andover and Exeter are: A. Andover divides its dorms into five clusters; at Exeter, students typically remain in the same dorm until they graduate. B. Andover has a 1-6 grading system; Exeter has a 1-11 grading system. C. Andover offers need blind financial aid that admits applicants regardless of their financial background; Exeter is need aware. However, Exeter offers generous financial aid. D. Andover has one central dining hall; Exeter has two dining halls. E. Andover has fewer Saturday classes than Exeter. F. Exeter has a dress code; Andover does not. G. Last year, Andover had a lower admit rate, a higher yield, and (I believe) better college matriculation statistics than Exeter. Nevertheless, Exeter is extremely difficult to get into, very popular, and does exceptionally well in placing students into top colleges. H. Exeter prides itself on the Harkness Method (student centered discussions), which it typically uses in all classes, including Math and Science; Andover stresses critical thinking as well but does so through a wide range of teaching approaches that generally do not include the Harkness Method in Math or Science. I. Some people think Exeter has a nicer campus than Andover; others prefer Andover's campus. Both campuses are very nice. J. Some people say that Andover is better in the humanities than Exeter and that Exeter is better in Math and Science than Andover. I don't buy that theory. Both schools are generally excellent in all fields. K. Andover is closer to Boston than Exeter. Good luck! 如果有用不要忘記點贊哈
選Offer 女生,學術方面強,在校GPA高,老師推薦信應該很好,有機器人活動,鋼琴英皇八級,沒啥獎項,AMC81%,體育一般,有羽毛球、網(wǎng)球愛好。 ( 7個offer )
FS用戶 通過網(wǎng)站提問于2021-03-12 10:37:08
4 回答
Deerfield的體育一流。體育設施更是在頂級學校中數(shù)一數(shù)二。我?guī)∨笥讶⒂^過。非常好。不過deerfield這種老牌學校。近些年有點不與時并進。以前可是跟PA和PEA一樣的最頂級學校。 Milton地理位置得天獨厚。去哈佛大學和MIT的不少. 不過有不少哈佛和MIT教工子弟。 這三個學校建議Exeter. 總體實力更強。
9734***3690 通過 網(wǎng)站 回答于2021-03-22 21:44:54 |
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