選Offer My daughter got accepted by NCS, GDS and Hotlon-Arms. She loves visual arts and is very creative. She enjoys creative writing as well. Her dream is to become an artist when she grows up. She is kind, collaborative and does not like "competition." Which school will be a better fit for her? Many thanks in advance! ( 3個offer )
FS用戶 通過網站提問于2024-03-10 20:11:55
選Offer 請問各位老師,Horace Mann School和National Cathedral School應該如何選擇?謝謝 ( 2個offer )
1580***3393 通過iPhone應用提問于2019-03-02 22:28:17
2 回答
紐約的Horace Mann是全美學術最強的私立學校之一,男女混校。National Cathedral School是女子院校。我建議孩子去讀男女混校。
美林 Academy創始人Vanessa老師 通過 網站 回答于2020-10-17 02:17:01 |