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您好 我是gunnery的在校生 我們學校的物理老師很不錯很不錯 是一個70多歲的老頭了 但是mit畢業然后nasa退休下來的 思路還是很清晰 今年我有上他的課 真的是特別特別喜歡他
Erica_ZHANG 通過 網站 回答于2017-02-17 01:11:08 |
4 回答
選Offer 性格開朗陽光,熱愛游泳足球。 ( 3個offer )
FS用戶 通過網站提問于2016-03-12 10:47:25
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I like the idea that u made the schools into three group, i dont know all of them but i do know some of them because i applyed two years ago. In the reach group millbrook and tabor i dont recommand and in the second group thomas jefferson... R u kidding me? Its one of the best high school in us! U do have a high toefl and ssat score but the 維立克score is a little bit low... But i think its ok.
a dog named smile. 通過 網站 回答于2015-11-29 11:12:43 |