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目前環境下,對于寄宿高中申請,擁有美國公民身份或綠卡的學生可能在申請過程中有一定的優勢,但這并不意味著一定會有明顯的加分。學校在招生時會考慮多方面因素,包括學術成績、標化考試成績、課外活動、推薦信、個人陳述等等。擁有美國身份可能有助于適應美國的文化和教育環境,但它并不是決定性因素。需要注意的是,寄宿美高8申9的競爭非常激烈,即使是美國身份的學生,也需要有優異的成績、出色的文書和推薦信,才能獲得錄取。 關于Horace Mann School和Boston University Academy (BUA)這兩所走讀學校,在排名和聲譽方面都非常優秀: Horace Mann School(紐約市)是一所知名的私立學校,在美國享有很高的聲譽。它在學術和課外活動方面都有很強的水平。但是,它通常被歸類為一所日間學校,而不是傳統意義上的寄宿學校。 Boston University Academy (BUA)是波士頓大學的附屬學校,提供高中教育。這所學校在波士頓地區也享有很好的聲譽,以其嚴謹的學術環境和卓越的教學而聞名。它同樣也被歸類為走讀學校。 由于這兩所學校不是傳統意義上的寄宿學校,因此它們在寄宿排名中可能并不會被嚴格地進行比較。它們的聲譽和教學水平在一定程度上與傳統的寄宿學校相媲美,但排名可能會因評估標準而異。他們對標的寄宿高中排名大約在30~40名左右。Horace Mann是紐約州最頂尖的私立學校之一,排名第11位;BUA是波士頓地區最頂尖的私立學校之一,排名第20位。 在申請過程中,除了學校聲譽和排名外,孩子的個人背景、興趣、學術表現、課外活動和個人陳述等方面也非常重要。因此,學生應當努力展示自己的優勢,并且根據學校的要求和特點進行準備。 您的孩子的成績和特長都比較優秀,但申請Horace Mann和BUA這樣的頂尖寄宿高中,仍然需要有充足的準備。建議您可以與專業的留學機構咨詢,制定合理的申請方案。 以下是一些申請寄宿美高8申9的建議: 盡早開始準備,在9年級之前就開始規劃自己的申請。 參加SSAT考試,取得優異的成績。 參加夏校或其他學術項目,提升自己的學術能力和競爭力。 參加課外活動,發展自己的興趣和特長。 撰寫出色的文書,展現自己的個人魅力和領導力。 獲得老師和校長強有力的推薦信。 祝您的孩子申請順利!
美國恩典與希望留學咨詢饒博士 通過 網站 回答于2024-01-04 22:23:40 |
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這里有一篇相關文章,或許可以部分回答你的問題: “Opinions Prioritizing mental health requires deeper change in school culture Avani Khorana , Staff Writer December 7, 2021 Ever since I came to HM I have held myself to a high standard and repeatedly ignored and invalidated my struggles with mental health. I believe that this willful disregard of poor mental health stems from the prominent culture of pressure at HM. There is a prestige that comes along with the Horace Mann name and after transfering from a much more relaxed public school, I felt the need to push myself past my limits if I had any hope of standing a chance in such a highly competitive environment. In recent years, stress has become a big topic of discussion within our community. It’s important for students to understand that they’re not alone in their struggles, but oftentimes I ignore my stress because I know that I’m not the only one who has a lot of work or multiple assessments the next day. I do believe that mental health should be a top priority, but no matter how much I tell myself that, I still have yet to put it before school. I think that I continue to put pressure on myself because, after being in such an overly academically rigorous environment for so long, that’s what I’ve been conditioned to do. There are, of course, a multitude of circumstances which can contribute to students’ mental health outside of school. Other factors, such as familial relationships and social life, are also aspects of a person’s life which play a large role in their mental health. For me, the majority of my life revolves around school. Along with increasing my stress levels in terms of academics, school has caused strains between me and my parents and influenced my social life to varying degrees. When I’m both physically and mentally exhausted I tend to take it out on the people close to me, and it’s hard to find time to just relax and talk to my family and friends without worrying about the work I need to get done. I spend seven hours a day in class, another two to three hours in varying extracurriculars, then four or so hours trying to work on my assignments. On a good day, I then go to sleep for somewhere between five and six hours, until my alarm blares and signals that it’s time to do it all over again. This is not the same reality for every HM student, but the work we are expected to do puts a lot on our plates. I’ve always been told that if I just do my best everything will be okay. But what happens when my best isn’t good enough? What happens when I exhaust myself trying to complete more work than I can handle? High school is too early to be burning ourselves out. Whenever I have felt unable to work because of burnout in the past, I used to try to give myself some time to step back and relax. However, I soon realized that I wasn’t actually able to recharge, because all I was doing was beating myself up for “procrastinating” my work. I was using that time to scream at myself internally for not doing enough of what I felt was expected of me. Instead of my relaxation time being relaxation time, I was just burning myself out more because I wasn’t allowing myself to truly unwind. I told myself that it was my fault for “procrastinating” and as such ignored the detrimental effect this kind of internal punishment had on my mental health. While it’s crucial for students to make sure they are taking care of their mental health, others within the community should strive to promote a climate that clearly and actively values the well-being of every student. There have been several instances in which I have felt that teachers did not truly care about my mental health despite saying otherwise. I may express feelings of distress but those concerns are often glossed over by teachers saying that I’ll “be okay” but then continue to assign the same rigor of work. I feel as though teachers preach the idea of improving our mental health but then don’t actually make efforts to help us do so. Although the school has taken steps to mitigate the pressure students are under such as getting rid of calculated GPAs and midterms, we need to change the mindset students have which causes us to put such large amounts of pressure on ourselves. This is a more fundamental issue which won’t be solved overnight or with one clear solution. However, it begins with affirmation and action: teachers, affirm students of the fact that it’s okay if you get a worse grade than you would have hoped for and that it isn’t going to be detrimental for them, and then take the action to actually prove that fact. Make it more feasible to get accomodations for mental health reasons, give extra credit opportunities, base more of the final grade on participation or homework completion and less on test grades, and, overall, promote learning and understanding over ability to perform on assessments. We don’t need to and we shouldn’t push ourselves to the brink to get good grades. HM is a bubble. It can be hard to look beyond that bubble and understand that in the grand scheme of things, we will be okay, but I encourage you to try and adopt this mindset. I’ll try too. ”
7edu-Dr. Jing 通過 網站 回答于2022-04-18 22:26:03 |
選Offer 老師們好!男生8升8,目前羅格斯,蘭尼,Horaceman,The Bishop's School,Abington Friends School offer如何選擇,謝謝。 ( 5個offer )
FS用戶 通過網站提問于2022-03-14 20:44:22
5 回答
Horace Mann。聲譽比其他的好不少。
9734***3690 通過 網站 回答于2021-03-22 21:55:12 |
2 回答
家長您好,我的孩子就讀于Horace Mann School, 該校可以簽發F1簽證,學校對TOEFL和IELTS沒有要求。
美林 Academy創始人Vanessa老師 通過 網站 回答于2020-10-08 06:46:28 |
選Offer 請問各位老師,Horace Mann School和National Cathedral School應該如何選擇?謝謝 ( 2個offer )
1580***3393 通過iPhone應用提問于2019-03-02 22:28:17
2 回答
紐約的Horace Mann是全美學術最強的私立學校之一,男女混校。National Cathedral School是女子院校。我建議孩子去讀男女混校。
美林 Academy創始人Vanessa老師 通過 網站 回答于2020-10-17 02:17:01 |