主講人Jarboe女士現任職于Pennington School的招生和助學金辦公室主任。她本科和碩士(教育碩士)均畢業于常春藤名校賓夕法尼亞大學。Jarboe女士致力于運用學校的資源來增添申請學生和就讀學生群體的多樣性,她本人還在學校開設了兩門漢語學習課程并幫助學生理解和適應不同文化的差異。
了解更多關于Pennington School的信息
Sharon Jarboe received her B.A. and M.Ed in educational leadership from the University of Pennsylvania. As director of admission and financial aid of the Pennington School, Sharon spearheaded initiatives using strategic events, travel, and financial aid in order to increase the diversity of the applicant pool and student body at the school. She also designed, launched, and taught two Mandarin language programs and brings a history of helping students bridge cultural differences by working creatively within an institution.
講座要點1. 學校信息介紹
2. 招生信息介紹
講座時間-北京時間:10月14日 周五 晚上 21-22點
-美東時間:10月14日 周五 上午 9-10點
-美西時間:10月14日 周五 上午 6-7點
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