【惠宜美本】講座回顧|名校招生官2021Common App文書寫作全解析(文字+音頻回放)
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文書在大學申請Holistic Review(整體評估)中的重要性?
Common Application文書選題有什么策略?題目和內容如何緊密切合?
一篇出色的Common App主文書具有哪些特質?
特殊形勢下的文書寫作:Common App中疫情相關的文書題目解析
The common app essay is more important than ever to develop dimension and add individuality to your application profile. Much of the application is objective measures like numbers. The common app essay on the other hand is subjective; it’s an opportunity to deliver depth, creativity, emotion, intrigue, and personality. Admissions officers pay close attention to essays that reveal positive characteristics to help differentiate applicants with similar grades and scores. This year,since standardized testing is optional and most juniors saw major changes in the course structure and grading system for their spring semester, admissions officers will be relying on the essays more than ever before to help them identify which students belong on their campus.
文書在common app中的最主要作用是為申請材料增加更多的維度和添加關于申請人的更多的個性化要素。申請材料的很大部分都是客觀性判斷標準,如各種數字、成績等,但文書恰恰是是很主觀的一個部分,能夠展示申請者的思維深度,創造力,情感和個性。因此為了區分學業分數及背景類似的申請人,招生官更關注文書。特別是今年,因為test-optional (標準化考試可選)政策,加上11年級的學生春季學期課程結構和評分系統都有所變化,可以預見這個申請季招生官會更依賴于文書這一項來評價和衡量申請人。
Common Application 7個文書題目解析
Some students have a background, identity, interest, or talent that is so meaningful they believe their application would be incomplete without it. If this sounds like you, then please share your story.
This prompt is open-ended but is one of the more popular among successful students. You should choose one topic in detail that is highly important to understanding you, not share your whole life story or list your resume. Do not choose a topic that is covered in other parts of your application.
The lessons we take from obstacles we encounter can be fundamental to later success. Recount a time when you faced a challenge, setback, or failure. How did it affect you, and what did you learn from the experience?
While this prompt involves sharing a challenging story, ultimately it will need to have a positive outcome. Do not paint yourself in a negative light. Instead, tell a story about a difficult experience that will ultimately reveal your positive traits. Make sure this essay ends on a triumphant note.
Reflect on a time when you questioned or challenged a belief or idea. What prompted your thinking? What was the outcome?
This essay is best used to demonstrate your personal or intellectual growth or curiosity. You need to describe a specific belief and share the story of how you questioned that belief. This topic is worth choosing only if the story is good enough to be convincing and memorable. Do not share an endless list of your personal introspections without having a compelling story.
Describe a problem you've solved or a problem you'd like to solve. It can be an intellectual challenge, a research query, an ethical dilemma - anything that is of personal importance, no matter the scale. Explain its significance to you and what steps you took or could be taken to identify a solution.
This is a fantastic prompt to demonstrate ingenuity as well as personal effectiveness. This can also be a good catch all prompt if your topic will revolve around a sport, academic, or extracurricular activity. Similar to the “challenge” prompt 2, be sure to end on a triumphant positive note.
這個題目最適合展示學生的獨創性,個人執行力和效率。如果文書內容將圍繞體育,學術或課外活動的話,選擇這個題目是比較容易抓住招生官眼睛的。與題目2 “挑戰”相似的地方是,請確保以獲得成功來結束文章。
Discuss an accomplishment, event, or realization that sparked a period of personal growth and a new understanding of yourself or others.
Choose this prompt if you have an event/accomplishment that truly sparked MEANINGFUL growth. Give tangible examples of your new understanding. Avoid cliches like growing up, going to high school etc. Your topic should still be unique and personal to you.
Describe a topic, idea, or concept you find so engaging that it makes you lose all track of time. Why does it captivate you? What or who do you turn to when you want to learn more?
描述一個讓你沉迷其中,甚至忘記時間的話題、想法、理念。它哪里吸引你? 當你試圖去了解更多的時候,你會求助于什么樣的幫助?
Keep in mind the follow up questions included in this prompt: why, what, who, when. Answer as many of them as possible. This must still be an essay about YOU not just about the topic you choose.
Share an essay on any topic of your choice. It can be one you've already written, one that responds to a different prompt, or one of your own design.
If you choose this route, I highly suggest you actually compose your own prompt and type it at the top of your page to keep yourself on course and help to develop a unified theme for your essay. Do not use this prompt as an opportunity to write an open-ended stream of consciousness that’s not cohesive.
選擇Common App題目的策略
1. What matters most is not necessarily which topic you like the best, but rather which essay paints you in the most positive, interesting light.
I worked with a studet this past year who wrote at least 10 totally different drafts. He could not decide which was most important to him so we evaluated each one and compared the benefits of each. Eventually we chose a story that highlighted his most impressive experience while also demonstrating important personal qualities like humility, maturity, and nuanced view of the world. He went on to be accepted at Vanderbilt.
2.?Now since most stories can actually be told in various ways to fit multiple prompts, definitely choose your story first and then choose the prompt for this reason. Unless you have a very clear idea in mind, this usually involves a process known as brainstorming.
其實大多數故事都可以有不止一種講述方式,因此其實也是可以和多個不同的文書題目相連接的。我們建議大家一定要先選故事,再選擇common app的文書題目。一般學生都會需要有一個一起頭腦風暴的過程。
We usually try to get to know students well on a personal level and understand what makes them think, where their motivation comes from, what their priorities are, and what have been their major life events as well as their background. We recommend students try to approach this from an introspective standpoint to dig deeper into themselves.
There are still many ways you can write on one topic. For example, you want to write about football since it’s your favorite activity, but what do you write? A general description of your entire football career? The single best game of your life? Showcase your leadership as captain? Or maybe even how you solved a problem related to your time on the team?
There was this student whose passion was football. We combed through his experiences and decided on a particular game which showcased his leadership and talent as an athlete, but we had to play up the challenge aspect and ended up changing the prompt to make it more exciting and give him more opportunities to share his uniqueness. Although he was not recruited for football, he went on to study at Cornell.
Essays are extremely personal, which is also the goal for us when assisting with the brainstorming and writing process, but?there are definitely effective approaches and tools to identify how to showcase each students’ positive qualities.?In my Essay Writing Workshop, I will be covering how to assess and critique your essay from the perspective of the admissions committee which should empower students to produce an essay that promotes the best version of themselves as well as one that will stand out and intrigue admissions officers.
文書是高度個性化的,這也是我們在幫助學生進行頭腦風暴和寫作過程中希望達到的目標。但是如果學生展示自己正面的特質的話,是可以總結出有效的方法的。之后在惠宜教育的Common App文書寫作課程中,Stevenson老師會從招生委員會的角度去評估和反思文書寫作,幫助學生寫出最符合招生官喜歡的文書并且展現出自己最好的一面。
In this part, I really want to talk about the Importance of telling a story, which is the most important thing when you are trying to write a good essay for Common App.?Common app essays work best when you focus on story or anecdote from your personal experience. Try to “show” a reader what you mean rather than “tell”. What it means for this essay is that you give an example of your most positive traits through a challenge you faced or a lesson you learned or something important about yourself through a story and then the reader believes it more than if you just listed your positive traits.
The other reason it’s important to tell a story is that it keeps readers engaged. It’s hard to imagine how tedious essay reading becomes for these AO’s. They read literally thousands of essays per year and the repetition of topics and themes is frequent. A story with action verbs, a clear story arc meaning a beginning middle and end, keeps any reader more engaged, and makes them more likely to enjoy and remember your writing.
I worked with a student on his essay about learning classical language, initially the focus was on the language itself including lots of classical words and phrases, but it was so dense. It eventually turned into an epic-style story mixing prose and verse, and became the epitome of good storytelling. That student went on to attend Stanford.