熱門專業 (8)
全部專業 (104)
學士學位Bachelor's Degree
碩士學位Master‘s Degree
博士學位Ph.D(Doctor of Philosophy)
專業英文名全部展開 | 專業中文名 | 專業學位 | ||||
Area, Ethnic, Cultural, & Gender Studies 展開(6) | 地區、民族、文化與性別研究 | |||||
African-American/Black Studies | 非裔美籍/黑人研究 |
American Indian/Native American Studies | 美國印第安人/美國原住民研究 |
American/United States Studies/Civilization | 美國(文明)研究 |
Gay/Lesbian Studies | 男同性戀/女同性戀研究 |
Near and Middle Eastern Studies | 近東和中東地區研究 |
Women's Studies | 婦女研究 |
Biological & Biomedical Sciences 展開(3) | 生物與生物醫學類 | |||||
Biochemistry | 生物化學 |
Biology/Biological Sciences, General | 生物學/生物科學類 |
Microbiology, General | 微生物學類 |
Business, Management, Marketing, & Related Support 展開(13) | 商業、管理、市場營銷類 | |||||
Accounting | 會計學 |
Business Administration and Management, General | 工商管理類 |
Entrepreneurship/Entrepreneurial Studies | 企業家/企業學研究 |
Finance, General | 金融學類 |
Financial Planning and Services | 財務規劃與服務 |
Human Resources Management/Personnel Administration, General | 人力資源管理/人事管理 |
Information Resources Management/CIO Training | 信息資源管理/首席信息官培訓 |
Knowledge Management | 知識管理 |
Logistics and Materials Management | 物流和材料管理 |
Management Information Systems, General | 管理信息系統 |
Marketing Research | 市場研究 |
Marketing/Marketing Management, General | 市場/營銷管理類 |
Small Business Administration/Management | 小型企業管理 |
Communication, Journalism & Related Programs 展開(3) | 新聞傳播學類 | |||||
Communication Studies/Speech Communication and Rhetoric | 傳播學研究/言語交際和修辭學 |
International and Intercultural Communication | 國際和跨文化交際 |
Mass Communication/ Media Studies | 大眾傳播/媒體研究 |
Computer & Information Sciences, Support Services 展開(5) | 計算機與信息科學類 | |||||
Computer Programming/Programmer, General | 計算機編程類 |
Computer and Information Sciences, General | 計算機與信息科學 |
Computer and Information Systems Security | 計算機與信息系統安全 |
Information Science/Studies | 信息科學/研究 |
Information Technology Project Management | 信息技術項目管理 |
Education 展開(16) | 教育類 | |||||
Chemistry Teacher Education | 化學師范教育 |
Early Childhood Education and Teaching | 兒童早期教育和教學 |
Education, General | 教育學類 |
Educational Leadership and Administration, General | 教育領導力與管理學 |
Educational, Instructional, and Curriculum Supervision | 教育、指導和課程監督 |
Educational/Instructional Media Design | 教育/課程媒體設計 |
Elementary Education and Teaching | 基礎教育與教學 |
English/Language Arts Teacher Education | 英語/語言藝術師范教育 |
Mathematics Teacher Education | 數學師范教育 |
Reading Teacher Education | 閱讀師范教育 |
Science Teacher Education/General Science Teacher Education | 科學師范教育/通識科學師范教育 |
Secondary Education and Teaching | 中等教育與教學 |
Social Studies Teacher Education | 社會研究師范教育 |
Special Education and Teaching, General | 特殊教育教學類 |
Teacher Education, Multiple Levels | 多級別師范教育 |
Technology Teacher Education/Industrial Arts Teacher Education | 技術師范教育/工藝美術師范教育 |
Engineering 展開(9) | 工程類 | |||||
Biomedical/Medical Engineering | 生物/醫學工程 |
Computer Engineering, General | 計算機工程 |
Computer Software Engineering | 計算機軟件工程 |
Electrical, Electronics and Communications Engineering | 電氣、電子和通信工程 |
Industrial Engineering | 工業工程 |
Manufacturing Engineering | 制造工程 |
Mechanical Engineering | 機械工程 |
Mechatronics, Robotics, and Automation Engineering | 機電一體化、機器人和自動化工程 |
Systems Engineering | 系統工程 |
Engineering Technologies/Technicians 展開(4) | 工程技術類 | |||||
Automotive Engineering Technology/Technician | 汽車工程技術 |
Computer Software Technology/Technician | 計算機軟件技術 |
Electromechanical Technology/Electromechanical Engineering Technology | 機電技術/機電工程技術 |
Engineering/Industrial Management | 工程工業管理 |
English Language, Literature & Letters 展開(2) | 英語語言文學類 | |||||
English Language and Literature, General | 英國語言文學 |
Writing, General | 寫作類 |
Family, Consumer & Human Sciences 展開(1) | 家庭、消費者學及相關人文學科 | |||||
Family and Community Services | 家庭及社區服務 |
Foreign Language, Literatures & Linguistics 展開(2) | 外國語、文學及語言學類 | |||||
French Language and Literature | 法國語言文學 |
Spanish Language and Literature | 西班牙語言文學 |
Health Professions & Related Clinical Sciences 展開(7) | 職業健康及相關臨床科學 | |||||
Community Health Services/Liaison/Counseling | 社區衛生服務/聯絡/咨詢 |
Health Information/Medical Records Administration/Administrator | 健康信息/醫療記錄管理 |
Health Services Administration | 衛生服務管理 |
Health/Health Care Administration/Management | 健康/衛生保健管理 |
Pre-Medicine/Pre-Medical Studies | 醫學預科 |
Public Health Education and Promotion | 公共衛生教育與推廣 |
Substance Abuse/Addiction Counseling | 藥物濫用/戒癮輔導 |
History 展開(1) | 歷史學類 | |||||
History, General | 歷史學類 |
Liberal Arts & Sciences, Gen Studies & Humanities 展開(3) | 通識教育(文理學院) | |||||
General Studies | 通識教育 |
Humanities/Humanistic Studies | 人文研究 |
Liberal Arts and Sciences/Liberal Studies | 文科類/人文科學 |
Mathematics & Statistics 展開(5) | 數學與統計學 | |||||
Applied Mathematics | 應用數學 |
Computational and Applied Mathematics | 計算和應用數學 |
Financial Mathematics | 金融數學 |
Mathematics, General | 數學類 |
Statistics, General | 統計學類 |
Multi & Interdisciplinary Studies 展開(3) | 多/跨學科研究 | |||||
Behavioral Sciences | 行為科學 |
Computational Science | 計算科學 |
Mathematics and Computer Science | 數學與計算機科學 |
Natural Resources & Conservation 展開(3) | 自然資源及其保護 | |||||
Environmental Science | 環境科學 |
Environmental Studies | 環境研究 |
Natural Resources/Conservation, General | 自然資源/保護類 |
Philosophy & Religious Studies 展開(1) | 哲學及宗教研究 | |||||
Philosophy | 哲學 |
Physical Sciences 展開(3) | 物理學類 | |||||
Chemistry, General | 化學類 |
Geology/Earth Science, General | 地質/地球科學 |
Physics, General | 物理學類 |
Psychology 展開(2) | 心理學類 | |||||
Applied Behavior Analysis | 應用行為分析學 |
Psychology, General | 心理學類 |
Public Administration & Social Services 展開(3) | 公共管理與社會服務類 | |||||
Community Organization and Advocacy | 社區組織和宣傳 |
Public Administration | 公共行政 |
Public Policy Analysis | 公共政策分析學 |
Security & Protective Services 展開(1) | 安全與防護設備 | |||||
Criminal Justice/Safety Studies | 刑事司法/安全研究 |
Social Sciences 展開(7) | 社會科學類 | |||||
Anthropology | 人類學 |
Cartography | 繪圖法 |
Economics, General | 經濟學類 |
Political Science and Government, General | 政治學與政府學 |
Social Sciences, General | 社會科學類 |
Sociology | 社會學 |
Urban Studies/Affairs | 城市研究/事務 |
Visual & Performing Arts 展開(1) | 視覺與表演藝術類 | |||||
Art History, Criticism and Conservation | 藝術歷史,鑒賞和維護 |
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