At Bishop O’Connell, where most students’ playlists are filled with the latest pop hits, the Symphony Club is taking a different approach.
School News
By The Numbers
AP Courses Offered
AP Scholars
Hours of Service
Million in College Scholarships
Student Spotlight
College Choice - William and Mary (Cross Country and Track commit)
Field of Study - International Relations and Public Policy
Goals - After college, I want to run all six world major marathons. A big goal of mine is to qualify for the Olympic Trials marathon. I also want to have a career in either law or congressional staffing and live in DC.
Involvement at O'Connell - I have been involved with track and cross country since my freshman year, and I have won five VISAA state titles. I hold school records in the 5k, 3200, and 1600. I am also a part of Keyettes and the National Honor Society.
My time at O’Connell has allowed me to build valuable relationships and explore new perspectives while also strengthening my relationship with Christ. My teachers have been endlessly supportive and encouraging, and they have helped me discover where I want to go in life. Without O’Connell, I would certainly not be the person I am today.
William and Mary