An Independent School for Boys Grades 7 - 12
- Always Character
- Always Together
- Working Together
Points of Distinction
470 students from 87 communities
teams compete in 16 interscholastic sports
of students self-identify as people of color (for the 2022-2023 academic year)
27% of students receive $5.9 million in need-based financial aid: average grant is $41,541
AP Exams taken
student-teacher ratio (average class size:12)
theater productions and musical performances each year
of faculty involved in coaching or leading other extracurricular activities
Founded in 1923, Belmont Hill School educates boys in mind, body, and spirit to develop men of good character. Our community encourages and challenges students to discover and pursue passions, seek excellence, and face adversity with resilience.
Belmont Hill Traditions
Many cherished traditions on campus help define the Belmont Hill experience. Learn more about some of the ways in which boys engage, have fun, and grow at our school.
We are far more than a boys’ school; we are a school for boys.
So many elements form together to comprise the Belmont Hill experience. Follow these profile quotes from administrators, faculty, and a parent and an alumnus and see what makes this campus thrive!
Speaker Program
Belmont Hill is so fortunate to be able to offer our boys a wide array of distinguished speakers in our historic Hamilton Chapel. Through the years, our Head of School, alumni, and faculty—as well as an impressive list of guest speakers—have presented on a broad range of topics.
- Chapel Talks
- Faculty & Alumni
- Guest Speakers
- Kageyama-Hunt Lecture Series
- Multicultural Alumni Partnership Speaker Series
- Parents’ Council Speaker Series
- Michael Sherman Lecture Series
- Katharine Wrisley Atkins Women’s Series
Chapel Talks
Faculty & Alumni
Guest Speakers
Kageyama-Hunt Lecture Series
Multicultural Alumni Partnership Speaker Series
Parents’ Council Speaker Series
Michael Sherman Lecture Series
Katharine Wrisley Atkins Women’s Series
In the News
Boys are challenged, known, and celebrated here.
So much is happening on our campus each and every day as the boys are engaged in a variety of activities. Our social media feeds provide an insightful and fun way to keep up with daily life on the Hill.