最佳回答學美教育創始人·Henry 中級顧問去美高只能11申11,絕大部分的學校不收11年級,能選擇的學校不多,除非你只是要有學校就去讀,那還是能出去的,在美高的成績對于申請大學非常重要,孩子11年級成績要拿A,還要參加活動和社交,是有很大壓力的,真的很想去的話,還必須仔細評估小孩的英語,學術能力和性格各方面,如果合適再申請,不合適就不要勉強,留在國內準備申美本吧。
Yes your friend is correct. The most common entry point for US college prep boarding schools is G10. That makes sense for many students because college preparatory studies usually cover a three year cycle. Most schools follow the AP program which begins in G10. You need really outstanding academics as well as extracurricular activities if you want to apply for G11.