Flint Hill 是弗及尼亞很不錯的走讀。學校不提供住宿家庭,怎么找到好的寄宿家庭應該是下一步的重點。
你的這些WL 希望是很渺茫的,你可以和中介機構溝通一下,讓他們確實認一下,或者可以自己和學校聯系一下,如果確定沒希望,可以不用再等了。
至于是否需要明年轉學九申十,這個要看孩子對這所學校的滿意程度,如果很滿意,住家也很好,當然可以不用轉學。反之可以考慮轉學。所以現在可以兩條腿走路,做轉學的準備,轉不轉可以讓孩子先讀一個月再決定。如果轉學,暑假期間,標化可能需要再準備一下,并且保證在美高的成績,一定程度上,這個成績比標化還重要 -
家長您好:1. Flint Hill這所學校我曾經走訪過,學校位于Fair Fax富人區,不論從學術上,還是藝術體育方面來講,這所學校都是很不錯的頂尖走讀學校,學校品質上您不用擔心。我有幾個學生在這所學校讀書,學校的學術難度還是挺大的。對學校評價都很高。美國很多政要的孩子在這所學校讀書。
2. 該校老師對學生都很有耐心,學生可以體會到學校的關注程度。同時,進入該校的學生也都很優秀,在藝術和體育方面孩子也要根據自己的興趣參加些活動。該校之前學生有憑借自己體育上的優勢進入頂尖大學的。
3. 建議今年能走就走,明年寄宿學校競爭更激烈。 -
Flint Hill is a decent school with average SAT scores. Matriculation to colleges like The University of Alabama, American University, and Boston University. It’s a diverse school ethnically.
2.選擇Flint Hill之後,在學業、生活、訓練、高中規化方面有哪些建議
Academic, most students from China do not need to worry about their grades. The only academic worry is English. You need to be running as soon as you get there so that you can deal with the English and history courses. Since it is a homestay program, you might want to make sure that your child gets enough or extra food. Spend more time at the school so he or she can spend more time with his or her peers. Don’t only study but try and make friends who are NOT Chinese from PRC.
3.WL是否繼續等待? 4.是否需要考慮9升10的寄宿校申請?
Depends on the school. Why don’t you go to Flinthill first and then decide what to do after the first 2 months. That will give you another month to work on the applications. Since the student will already be in the US, arranging for interviews would not be as difficult. The reason is because all the top schools want students to be fluent in English, which means that the extra year at Flint Hill would be an advantageous opportunity to learn more English. -
Don't forget to be awesome. Everything is possible!