官方回答Kelly Woodall Dean of Enrollment Management Admissions 招生錄取管理院長回答于03/02/2016譯文:如果是申請9年級的話我們要求托福最低70-75以上。大多數中國來的9年級學生都會進入美國高中9年級,可以有完整的四個年級高中成績單,也可以同時增強他們的英語能力。
今年中國的申請者非常多,我們大概期望總共招收5-10人左右。原文:For a student entering 9th grade, we require a minimum Toefl of 70-75. Most students in grade 9 in China transfer into grade 9 in the U.S. to help them have a complete high school transcript in the U.S. and to improve their language abilities.
There have been a large number of applicants from China this year. We expect to enroll 5-10 total. -
Tallulah Falls School標化成績要求應該也就是托福80分左右吧