中國學生申請Charles wright academy,都要通過劍橋國際,寄宿家庭服務也是由他們提供。關于第三方提供寄宿家庭服務的,家長多做點功課吧,網上多搜搜看看其它家長的評價。下面是來自學校官網的信息,請家長細心看
Applicants from China
International students coming from China should work through the Cambridge Institute of International Education to apply to Charles Wright. We partner with Cambridge to help Chinese students work through the admissions process and ensure proper placement. To submit an application, please contact the Cambridge Institute at charleswright@thecambridgeinstitute.org. -
寄宿學校對孩子來說生活更為簡單, 課外活動安排得比較豐富 ,寄宿家庭需要孩子有較好的待人接物能力,如果相處不好也的確會影響孩子的狀態。