Hi! I am Calvin and I am currently studying in Shanghai High School International Division. I am considering to apply to Groton School,The Hotchkiss School, and Concord Academy. I visited all three schools and finished my interviews already. I even managed to contact the Director for History Department for Groton School and we had a hearty chat. The Director for Admission(The lady who interviewed me) for Groton School actually wrote me a handwritten letter after the interview! My SSAT score is a 94%(2226) and my TOEFL is a 106. I performed well in the Iowa Assessment Test and finishing with a 98 percentile. I am really passionate about History,Debate and Geography. I got the first place for History Bowl in Asia and was ranked forth in Local Round for World Scholar's Cup. I also like to swim and I got 4 medals for my school's swimming competition. My only problem is that my score in school is not that satisfactory.Thank you!
小編翻譯:我叫Calvin現就讀于上海高中國際部,現在在考慮申請的學校為Groton School,The Hotchkiss School, and Concord Academy. 三所學校都已經走訪過且完成了面試環節,我還和Groton歷史系的主任聯系過,有過非常愉快的對話。Groton面試我的招生辦主任在面試結束后還給我寫了一封手寫的信件。SSAT2226(94%),托福為106,Iowa Assessment Test中表現也很好98%。我對歷史、辯論和地理特別有興趣,曾獲得過亞洲歷史杯的第一名,還在世界學者杯的當地比賽中得了第四名。我也很喜歡游泳,學校的游泳競賽中得過四塊獎牌。我唯一的問題就是在校成績不完全令人滿意。能否幫忙評估下我的情況和學校,謝謝大家!
最佳回答AL美聯留學Chris高老師 中級顧問首先,你的情況是屬于比較樂觀的,平時成績是有影響,但是可以通過托福和SSAT來證明你是有學習能力的,同時你申請的三所學校都是非常不錯的學校,但還是建議要有更多的選擇保險一點。我們覺得這三所學校如果材料這些都寫得不錯的情況下,你還是有比較大的希望被其中至少一所學校錄取的。