另外,Michael博士在Milton Academy工作27年,期間曾擔任中國項目主管,國際學生主管,國際學生社團負責老師等。期待Michael博士會為中國學校和家長帶來更加authentic and original的觀點! -
學生如果想要拼搏一把,可以沖刺名校Deerfield,Tabor和Groton。期待學生托福能夠考到105或者以上,可以沖刺Deerfield。Groton表面上說托福錄取要求是90分,但實際上,學生要達到100分以上才可以。Groton是一所很小的學校,這就意味著每年招生人數(shù)也很少。Tabor稍微好一些的是,學校規(guī)模稍大一些,所以開放錄取的人數(shù)也會相對多一些,但這并不是保證,還需要和學校核實。最近剛和在Tabor就讀的10年級的一名中國學生進行了交流,學生被錄取時的托福成績是95分。招生官Stephen是我的多年好友,13年前就來Milton聽我的課。他介紹說,錄取這位學生完全是因為他的綜合實力,托福僅僅是參考,現(xiàn)在這位學生年級排名前五,擔任年級學生會主席。“Deerfield has a hard TOEFL of 105. This will be a reach even with a 105 TOEFL.
Groton: On the surface only has a 90 TOEFL limit, but they will be just as difficult because they are a much smaller school. They'll have far less spots and have 200 people applying for what will wind up being 2 spots. Chances are not great.
Tabor might actually be easier in the sense that as they are a much bigger school, they might have more spots open to fill. While I think there would be NO GUARANTEE that they'd get in, I would still say that they should give Tabor a try…” -
Northfield-Mount Herman School, Wilbraham & Monson Academy這兩所學校前者托福要求為95,后者要求稍低一些(曾經(jīng)幫助一名托福94分學生咨詢過,94分語言成績完全可以),建議學生考一下SSAT,兩所學校均要求SSAT。在和我之前的同事,曾經(jīng)在Wilbraham & Monson 任校長的Mr. LaBreque交流時,他說過學校非常重視國際生群體,例如,學校會為國際學生提供本國家飲食(會為中國學生提供大米粥);在住宿上面,學校考慮到讓國際學生多用英文交流,會在分配宿舍時讓中國學生會與美國學生或者其他國家同學同住等。所以我建議,兩個學校要二選一的話,學生可以考慮后者 :)“…Northfield-Mount Herman & Wilbraham & Monson Academy, Should be just about right. The 94 TOEFL will make them competitive applicants. They will again be competing with a large # of applicants, but with the 94 TOEFL, they should be right near what they are looking for, providing the grades and other abilities and interests work out. I would say that of these two schools, I would pick WMA. They are a great school and take really good care of their international community.They provide some amazing food choices (clearly the only school that has DaMiZhou with Xiancai for breakfast, for example). They also insure that no two people with the same native language live together.”
首先,很抱歉沒有給學生一個詳細的選校原因,引發(fā)了了大家的討論,在這里,我具體說一下選校原因,希望學生可以受用:學生目前托福94分,再考一次,希望可以沖刺到100分以上。學生自己給出的學校較為保守,綜合學生自己描述的情況,我給出以上幾所綜合水平較高的學校,希望可以作為已有選校補充。 Suffield Academy: 學校招生官Terry告訴我,學校錄取TOEFL成績最低分是60,但學校希望申請者托福達到90分。托福94分,完全可以嘗試申請Suffield. 另外, Suffield更加愿意錄取有美國學習經(jīng)驗的中國學生和各方面都有突出表現(xiàn)的學生(高GPA,有能力特長等)。之所以稱其為保底學校,是在翻譯時有些誤導和歧義,事實上是想表示,這所學校在我們推薦的所有學校中,學生申請到的幾率最大。“…calling this a 保底學校 is a little confusing. They absolute TOEFL minimum is 60 but due to the HUGE # of applicants from China, they really want people over 90. They have a girl from Kazakstan who is 60, but this is a deliberate attempt to diversify their international group. A 94 TOEFL will make them an appealing choice for the school. That having been said, as one of a large # of Chinese people applying, they will prefer Chinese students who have study abroad experience already and still need to be that well rounded students, to get in…”
?我是 LEAP 的導師陸思宇,畢業(yè)于Milton Acadmy高中,現(xiàn)在就讀于麻省理工,很高興為你解答這個問題。 -
Hi, 你好!Worcester Academy對于學生有點屈才了,其它學校都是不錯的學校。
推薦可以嘗試申請以下幾所學校Deerfield Academy (沖刺學校), Tabor Academy (沖刺學校), Northfield-Mount Herman School, Wilbraham & Monson Academy, Groton Academy (以上三所為目標學校), Suffield Academy (保底學校)。 -
我是朱嘉睿,現(xiàn)就讀于紐約州的The Masters School,是Leap 立普爾美國高中校園代表之一,很高興能為您解答。
也可以考慮來我們學校呀~~pomfret感覺很好www我們學校也很重視藝術(shù)方面,尤其是因為每年都會有不少進入nyu學習的學生,所以不僅是這方面資源很多,如果nyu是你大學target school的話我們學校應(yīng)該很符合你的期望www
如果有任何問題或,歡迎在此回復或私信我!Best luck on everything!
Alice Zhu -
你選的5個學校偏保守了一點,可以再選2,3個更好一些的學校。看你的選校位置主要集中在新英格蘭地區(qū),推薦女校Miss porter's school, 藝術(shù)方面突出的話可以申請Cambridge school of Weston, 也可以挑戰(zhàn)一下 Concord. 還有Westminster是比較喜歡招收有美國讀書經(jīng)歷的孩子,也可以作為選擇。