官方回答Nancy Cippitelli Assistant Director of Admissions 招生辦主任助理回答于10/29/2015譯文:石溪中學每年的招生從招收學年的前一年秋季開始,十二月末結束。來年一月開始將會做出錄取決定,在那之后將會進行滾動招生,直到名額錄滿。
15-16學年學校大約有10名中國大陸學生入讀石溪中學。原文:The admissions process should begin in the fall and be completed by the end of December of the year prior to desired entrance. Decisions on completed files will begin in January and after that we have rolling enrollment until all spaces have been filled.
The Stony Brook School is a Christian, co-ed, college preparatory, boarding and day school for 7th through 12th grade students.
Requirements for admission for students are:
Completed application and fee
Copy of grades/transcripts for the past two years and this current year
Math and English teacher recommendations
SSAT (Secondary School Admissions Test) scores for grades 7th -12th grade (minimum score is 1800, scores typically range from 1900 and above)
TOEFL (Test of English as a Foreign Language) scores for grades 9th - 12th grade (minimum score is 80, scores typically range from 90 and above ) and TOEFL Jr. scores for grades 7th and 8th (minimum score is 720, scores typically range from 820 and above )
Student applicants needing ESL (English as a Second Language) are eligible entering grades 7 through 10.
Once all of the required documents have been received, the student's file will be reviewed and an invitation to interview (campus visit or SKYPE) may be extended to the applicant.
International students looking to apply for grades 11th or 12th, should have already been studying in an English speaking country for the past couple of years and no longer be in need of ESL.
Around 10 Chinese students from mainland China are entering The Stony Brook School this academic year. -
具體的去年招了多少學生這個得問學校。去年我是親自帶了我們一個學生去面試的,學校說的是托福要90分, ssat要達到80%。中國學生的比例大概是10%左右。然后每年招的中國學生人數大概是10個人左右。石溪中學是一個學術項目很強的學校。值得一提的是,該校為國際學生設有一個特殊的項目——石溪中學會給每一位國際學生安排一個本國學生作為搭檔,一起參與學校的各項活動,使國際學生可以快速、有效地融合到當地的生活、學習氛圍當中,這個安排對每個學生之間的了解、相處也有很好的促進。此外,石溪中學學生的畢業去向也非常理想。希望對您有所幫助。
The Stony Brook School 石溪中學
建校時間: 1922年
學校位置: 石溪,紐約州
毗鄰地區: 距離紐約市區1小時車程
四季氣候: 四季分明,冬天下雪
學校面積: 55英畝
學校類型: 混校
住宿類型: 學校宿舍
入學要求: 托福或小托福和SSAT
開學時間: 9月 年級設置: 7-12
學生人數: 322名學生
國際學生: 28%國際生
班級人數: 平均每班14人
教師人數: 30(28名全職老師和2名兼職老師)
師生比例: 1:8
SAT平均分: 1781分