基本上美國的很多高中都會有數學方面的興趣小組,Bement School,Cardigan Mountain School等應是接收8年級的,我們去年有一個數學方面很強的學生在那里上的8年級。Cape Cod的數學教室也配備了完善的現代化設備,老師和學生圍坐在Harkness Table旁,討論和研究數學問題。8年級開始學生學習代數課程,數學課程的選擇范圍很廣,有標準課程、榮譽課程以及AP課程。Valley Christian Schools的的數學, 科學和機電工程學院 (Math, Science & Engineering Institute)是非常有名的. 這個課程適合數學, 科學和機電工程的高材生參加。Portsmouth Abbey School擁有豐富的數學課程及人文學科。The Governor's Academy也新建了許多教學設施,包括數學及科學中心、圖書館、學生中心、表演中心和教師宿舍等。有的學校不招收8年級,選校時也要注意一下~
I am happy to hear your daughter is doing so well academically in Math and physics. While understanding her English standard is good, it is important to for her to continue improving because all top U.S. boarding schools require excellent English, and also it will help your daughter's future studies. Additionally, please make sure your daughter is engaged in sports and extra curricular activities as those are equally important for applying to schools.