我們家女孩,目前9升9 ,只選擇寄宿混校。 第一次托福89分,第一次ssat 1953分,準備1月10日再考一次,但不擅長刷分,估計不會有太多提高。但有國際學校教育(北京3年),維立克面試4.7分,老師說還可以。望各位老師指點選校:
一類: 沖刺學校
加州史蒂文森中學Stevenson School,麻省圣馬可中學ST Mark's School,賓州喬治中學 George School,俄勒岡州Oregon Episcopal School
田納西州韋伯中學The Webb School,田納西州貝勒中學Baylor School, 康州The Gunnery,弗吉利亞Virginia Episcopal School,羅德島 Portsmouth Abbey School
根據老師們的建議,增加了幾所保底的學校,Monte Vista Christian School 蒙地維塔中學
Darlington School 達林頓學校
Dunn School 鄧恩中學
不知是否合適,謝謝各位達人的提醒! -
根據老師們的建議,增加了幾所保底的學校,Monte Vista Christian School 蒙地維塔中學
Darlington School 達林頓學校
Dunn School 鄧恩中學
不知是否合適,謝謝各位達人的提醒! -
Your "first" and "second" tier schools are all very good and decent selections. Given your daughter's academic performance and test scores, and if you are serious about sending her to boarding schools in the U.S., perhaps you may want to consider a few other safety schools. Please bear in mind that there are hundreds of boarding schools in the U.S. that provide very good education despite the fact that they are not known or popular to mainstream Chinese parents and students.
如果已經經過充分的準備考托福和ssat,下一次考也不容易提高許多。還是應該加兩所保底學校,因為現在來自大陸的申請學生一年比一年多,托福成績和ssat成績一年比一年高。而好一點的寄宿學校都是熱門,不太容易申請的。即使是Portsmouth Abbey School,錄取的平均ssat 成績也有65%的排名, 而對中國留學生的要求一般會更高。