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根據SSAT 官方有關SSAT Percentile 的摘錄如下:“The SSAT Percentile (1 to 99) compares the student's performance on the SSAT with that of other students of the same grade and gender who have taken the SSAT in the U.S. and Canada on a Standard test date in the previous three years. For students who have taken the SSAT more than once, only their first set of scores is included in the norming process.


三立英語吳老師 通過 網站 提問于2014-10-28 09:15:00
  • 7edu-Dr. Jing 中級顧問
  • 航海圖Jean 中級顧問
    張老師說的對,只有第一次的成績用來作為統計。 而且它說是只有在美國和加拿大在同一時間(應該是指月份)考的成績才用來參考統計,那就是說在中國區考的SSAT成績本來也不在這個參考pool里面的。
  • 回答于10/29/2014
  • 回答于10/29/2014
    Actually what this means is:
    Students will be compared with other students of the same gender and grade for the last 3 years - a pool
    For students who take the SSAT more than once, only the first score will go into the pool

    This means

    Year 1 year 2 year 3 = average score of all the students (but only for the first test that each student takes)

    percentile = student's score factor into the average of 3 years

    However, the first SSAT test that a student will take will not affect the student's scores of the next test.

    So if you are 99 percentile, then you are 1% above the rest of all the students.
  • 回答于10/30/2014
