Middlesex: 傳統哈佛錄取學校,離波士頓近,學術優異,今年來是中國學生申請的大熱門,申請人數應該超過另外兩所,但是總體而言水平比Deerfield和Hotchkiss還是要差半檔。
Deerfield: 超級牛校,位于麻省西部古鎮,成績好并不一定能進,講究家庭淵源。
Hotchkiss: 超級牛校,耶魯哈佛預備校,學術藝術并重,全才培養搖籃。 -
In terms of academic rigorous, I would say Deerfield and Hotchkiss are ahead of Middlesex, and have better college matriculation. Among the three, Deerfield has the most competitive applicant poor, and Hotchkiss would be the next one. Both Deerfield and Hotchkiss have very good facilities and have larger endowment which indicates resources. In general, Deerfield would be the top one among the three. Hope this helps.