您女兒兩個, 那其實上公立學校是比較省時間和金錢的。 您可以先選一個想去的州, 然后找州內排名靠前的公立學校。 買房和租房都行。好的公立學校也不錯, 學生競爭也很激烈。我們今年幫兩個有綠卡的學生在新澤西最好的公立學校城市租房,注冊。歡迎探討。
當然象下面hung老師講的, 私立就要看學校了, 不同學校有不同規定。 -
Depending on the boarding school. Some schools need all international students to take the TOEFL . Some schools do not if your child is going to international school. Both my kids didn't take the TOEFL for PEA and Milton.
For boarding schools, they will definitely need to take the SSAT (not SAT). If you are applying to higher grades (G11 and above) , some schools will require the PSAT or SAT.
If your daughters are residents or US citizens, then she can go to a public school and they won't need to take the tests. -