Off campus accommodation is an alternative solution for dormitory or homestay program. The numbers of boarding schools are limited and the applicants for the boarding school increases, and the day schools which want to accept students do not have dormitory also want to receive students. Either school offer off campus dormitory and other educational companies provide some boarding options to students. The most important thing is to study about this option and find out how it works. There are always some good boarding programs and the bad ones. Choose wisely!
校外住宿是除寄宿或住家計劃外的另一種住宿方案。寄宿學校的數量有限,申請者逐年增加,走讀學校要接受學生沒有宿舍的申請人也想接收學生。無論是學校提供校外宿舍和其他教育公司提供了一些學生寄宿選擇。最重要的事情仔細調研,并找出它是如何運作的。項目總是有好的或是壞的,謹慎的選擇! -
美國杜克大學 2016屆
Leap立普爾美高導師項目 主導師