你好,最近有很多學生家長來問選擇學校的事,我認為不是時候,現在是涮分季節,選擇學校最好在11月,留學顧問可能會要你快點選擇學校是為了快點和你簽合同。中國學生對TOEFL,SSAT考試來說都是新手,越靠后越容易得高分,14歲的孩子是吸收知識最快的年齡,再給他3個月一定比現在分數高。T=105,S=2250 可以說是非常優秀,但是每年的情況不一樣,你現在分數在2011年就很容易進,2012年就難一點,2013年就更困難了,2014年你想是什么狀態?再說你的SSAT成績是從那里來的?今年還沒有開始考,可能是模考吧。你不要著急,11月為止讓孩子多參加考試,爭取T=110,S=2300 以上就更有競爭力了。現在還是專心考試,11月再選擇學校。希望能幫助你。不明白可以qq我。
These schools do not only look at your SSAT and TOEFL scores. The other important factors are grades, interviews, teacher recommendations, English standard, essays and extracurricular activities. Many students who apply there have the same SSAT and TOEFL scores. In fact, I just had a conversation today with one of the admissions people at Milton and what is important is how the student is overall, not just test scores.
Yes the scores are fine, can be a little higher. Although many of the schools look at the percentile rather than the raw score.
But only the scores will not get you into a good boarding school. They also need to look at grades, teacher recommendations, extracurricular activities, essays and interview.