GPA和 T/S,面試以及特長都是同等重要的,如果GPA不夠好,就努力把其他方面做好吧。到時候還會要求提供今年第一學期的成績,一定要努力考出好成績,之前的不好,能讓學??吹侥愕倪M步也好。
Your son's academic level is one of the most important things when he applies to boarding schools in the States. Aside from that, he needs to have good English skills as he will need that for his essays and interviews to compensate for his grades. For the top boarding schools, he needs at least 100 for TOEFL and must do well on his SSAT.
Yes. In my humble opinion, school GPA is the most significant criteria in the process of application. I believe that almost all outstanding schools have the same or similar attitude. If you child has a lower GPA, that is a serious problem. You need to get honest evaluations on your child's academic performance for counselors and prepare accordingly.
是。以我個人意見,GPA成績在錄取中是最重要的標準。我相信,幾乎所有優秀的學校有相同或類似的態度。如果您的孩子有一個低的GPA,這是一個嚴重的問題。您需要誠實的評估孩子的學習成績,并做好相應的準備。 -