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鬼馬 通過 網站 提問于2013-07-26 21:16:00
  • 回答于07/27/2013
    你這個問題,和我目前的一個學生情況相似,也是在美國讀10年級,下半年11年級。暑假已經開始幫她規劃大學方向,提供相關信息給家長,她也是要學類似的專業,但那個孩子的繪畫設計功底非常強。所以,選擇的范圍更廣闊一些,是設計 管理。
    很多Business School都有管理類課程下面,細分了奢侈品管理,但投資是放在另外一個Subject下面的。
    單純奢侈品管理,像JWU, FIT, NYU有類似專業,但這些學校在具體的課程設置方面,還有細微區別。這個您需要好好了解下。
  • 回答于01/08/2024
    您好,奢侈品管理和投資專業是一個相對特殊的領域,在美國并不是所有大學都提供這樣的專業。但是,有一些大學可能提供與奢侈品管理、品牌管理或者商業投資相關的課程或專業。這些課程可能在商學院或者管理學院下的特定專業中。一些可能關聯的專業包括市場營銷、品牌管理、奢侈品管理、商業管理、金融投資等。在申請大學之前,您的女兒可以考慮做以下事情:搜索相關專業或課程: 在大學網站或者相關教育機構的網站上搜索相關課程或專業。使用關鍵詞比如“luxury brand management”、“investment in luxury”、“business administration with focus on luxury”等進行搜索。
    一些美國大學可能提供與奢侈品管理或者投資相關的課程或專業,但是這可能因學校而異。例如,紐約大學(New York University)、哥倫比亞大學(Columbia University)、南加州大學(University of Southern California)、邁阿密大學(University of Miami)等學校可能提供相關課程或者專業。
  • 進進老師 中級顧問
    奢侈品管理跟溝通,市場,商業管理息息相關,所以這個專業以研究生為主。本科學這個專業太早未必好。 這個專業歐洲更好些,法國意大利學校幾個學校特別好。美國來說,最好的是哈佛的MBA 和NYU stern.
  • 海移Lucy 中級顧問
    美國本科沒有什么管理專業的,所謂的management 方向的學科都放在研究生程度,本科最多有 administration方面的科目可以選擇。奢侈品管理在美國比較多在MBA的課程里,可是在歐洲比較盛行,法國和意大利,瑞士都有很成熟的研究生課程。建議你本科選一些人文藝術方面的專業可能對下一步有幫助。
  • 回答于08/01/2013
    Luxury Brand Management is a highly specialized degree. There are only a handful universities that offers this program, and they are in the graduate level. The more famous ones are in Europe, which include programs offered by HEC and ESSEC. Having said that, there are a few undergraduate programs worth considering in the United States, although they are not exactly "Luxury Brand Management". The Fashion Institute of Technology offers an undergraduate program in Fashion Merchandising Management and SCAD offers a program in Fashion Marketing and Management.

    For Finance, there are a lot of options in the United States. University of Pennsylvania's Wharton School, NYU's Stern School and University of Virginia's McIntire School are among the best. Some universities would offer a general business degree with a concentration in finance, while some would offer a finance major. Thus, it is important to know how specialize you want to be while being an undergraduate student.
  • CG 中級顧問
  • 回答于07/29/2013
    Since I went to Wharton myself, I would say that along with Harvard, they are one of the best MBA schools in the States. You can also look at Stanford and Chicago.

    In Europe, you can look at LBS and Insead.

    To get into these schools, you generally need some working experience so that you can share your experiences in class with other students. Perhaps you might want to find a summer job in the area that you would like to specialize in? This is to see if you like this field.
  • 回答于08/01/2013
    在美國奢侈品管理專業,英文名也叫 Fashion Merchandising,開設這個項目的綜合類大學好學校不多,還有一些專門的藝術學院開設,給你介紹一些,你可以參考下,如果孩子特別喜歡這個專業的話:Art Institute of California, Fashion Institute of Design and Merchandising, University of Georgia, Purdue University,MSU, U Minnesota, Parsons..希望能夠幫助到你,如果有別的問題的話,也可以聯系我。