非常好的一所文理學院,錄取率 13%, 因為它幾乎可以算得上是哥大的一部分。去年,我們學校畢業的一位成績很優秀的中國留學生就去了這所學校?!癇arnard College of Columbia University is a private women's liberal arts college in New York City. It was founded in 1889 by Annie Nathan Meyer as a response to Columbia University's refusal to admit women and is named after Columbia's 10th president, Frederick Barnard.”
至于找工作更多和專業方向相關。讀一所大U的計算機專業將來找工作會容易得多。 -
巴魯克學院共設有四個院系:Zicklin商學院,Weissman藝術與科學學院,公共事務學院以及繼續與職業教育學院(The Division of Continuing and Professional Studies), 其中的Zicklin商學院畢業后就業率頗高。