譯文:您好,我是Maumee Valley的招生主管Michael,很高興能幫助您更好的了解學校!作為您選校列表上唯一的寄宿學校,建議您多考慮Maumee Valley可以給到你女兒的關注和支持!我們學校可以完全周到的支持您孩子的學術、社交、語言、個人成長等方方面面。在您孩子充分過度并準備好之后,我們也可以提供給您孩子轉到寄宿家庭中居住的機會。有任何問題歡迎隨時郵件聯系我:mhouse@mvcds.org。
原文:Hello. I would be happy to continue to help you learn more about Maumee Valley. As the only boarding school in your list, I encourage you to consider the care and support your daughter can recieve from us here at Maumee Valley. Our team is ready to fully support your daughter's academic, social, language, and personal development. We do also provide the opportunity to transition to a host family in future years when students are more prepared for this step. email me anytime at mhouse@mvcds.org. Michael House, Director of Enrollment Management at Maumee Valley Country Day School.