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2.今年國內申請top 10美高有下降趨勢嗎?

FS用戶 通過 網站 提問于2021-01-29 23:46:48
  • 最佳回答

    另外,從我們目前和學校的溝通以及學生的申請來看,今年TOP10枚高并沒有明顯下降趨勢,不少學校反饋整體國際學生申請數量下降,但是美國孩子的申請數量上升了,所以整體競爭還是很激烈的,而不少學生會因為SSAT 的可選原則,可能會有更多學生想去沖刺下前十。

  • 回答于01/31/2021
    While I was at St. Paul's I participated in many of the club sports (club soccer and club hockey) as well as playing JV Baseball, and JV Football. Additionally, I was the MISH and ECO House Representative for my dorm (Manville). This position required that I provide my peers and house-mates with information about how they could best get involved in the Concord community as well as ensuring that dorm-life was environmentally friendly (shutting lights off, not leaving water running, recycling whenever possible, etc.)

    St. Paul's was unique in that it was 100% boarding. Attending a school where absolutely all of the students (and the majority of the staff) reside on the same campus for the entire academic year builds a community of trust, love, and unity. That sense of unity shone through with the large student presence at athletic games and events, theatre productions, dance recitals, and orchestral symphonies as well.Another unique aspect about SPS was morning chapel. Morning chapel was four times a week (Mon. Tue. Thur. Fri.) and students and staff would meet before classes to discuss current events, go over weekly announcements, and listen to guest and student speakers. Many Seniors would take this opportunity to reflect on their past four years as a student and how they have changed as a person. Others would take this chance to discuss changes they would like to see made at the institution and ways of implementing that change. Chapel would always wrap up with the students singing hymnals and commonly reciting the school prayer.

    What was the best thing that happened to you in boarding school?
    I think the best thing that happened to me at SPS was that I was able to challenge myself in different academic fields and truly discover what interested/motivated me scholastically, and career-wise. I think the fact that we can pick and choose from so many different classes aids students in their quest for self, as it certainly led me towards discovering what I truly like and don't like. I learned that science isn't something I'm necessarily interested in, while I am totally down for the Humanities.

    What might you have done differently during your boarding school experience?
    I would have been more open and outgoing. In college I had a much easier time transitioning and finding myself in the community (probably thanks to all that I had learned and experienced at SPS), but I wish I had truly landed with my feet running at SPS. My advice would be to challenge yourself to try out new things and don't be afraid to put yourself out there; the community is so welcoming, especially to people that they see are willing to make themselves vulnerable and reveal their true personality and spirit, that they'll undoubtedly embrace you with open arms.

    What did you like most about your school?
    I liked everything about St. Paul's, and I wouldn't want to repeat my high school experience at any other school. SPS even sent me on a trip to Athens, Greece, which is an experience I doubt I would have had the chance to have at another school. I think the people, the academics, and the experience that SPS has to offer make it such a special place, and I would recommend it to anyone looking to challenge themselves mentally and scholastically.

    Do you have any final words of wisdom for visiting or incoming students to your school?
    Tuck Shop was always amazing! It was the equivalent of a campus caf???? and boasted an impressive menu of chicken tenders, mozzarella sticks, and more (I'm sure they had healthy options too, I just wasn't too keen on those as a 14-year-old kid). Definitely check out the chapel, as it is arguably the most beautiful architectural structure on campus and I would even say in Concord, NH.


  • 回答于01/31/2021
    1. 圣保羅首先偏文,其次喜歡有運動特長的學生。從過往送到圣保羅的學生而言(美國的和國際的)相當一部分很有背景,但也有少數普通一些的。個別招生官的面試并不友好,要抗住壓力。
    2. 這個我還沒有大數據,據我個人跟體制內的招辦人員,校長等同仁的交流以及相對于去年同期幫助的學生數量而言,似乎沒有下降。
    3. 這個溝通因人、因校而異,如有新的成績等即使給學校更新,這是最基本的,還有就是要了解每個學校招辦內的具體做決定的人員,錄取委員會成員等等因素進行適時適當的溝通。
  • 回答于02/01/2021


  • 回答于02/01/2021
    你好,圣保羅學校喜歡學生是出類拔萃,家庭也是精英階層的家庭。此外,今年top 10美高的國內申請人數呈上升趨勢,原因是大家都想試試,包括有些沒有SSAT成績的學員都希望沖刺一下。在等候結果期間,自身如有update的信息,可以和招生官保持溝通。
  • 回答于02/02/2021
    今年的申請人數較往年是上升趨勢的,主要的原因是因為今年疫情,大部分學校都test optional的,所以很多學生就算標化不理想,也想試著沖刺名校,導致申請人數上升。
  • Victoria周老師 中級顧問
    St. Paul喜歡文科擅長的學生,也很看重學生家庭背景,父母是否也有一定的社會地位和經濟能力。今年國內什么top10的學生有增無減,等候期間,如果有什么學術或者活動上的更新獎項,可以遞交給學校那邊。
  • 回答于02/01/2021
