1. 學校學生學術優異,尤其指英語和數學方面,這里不管學校學生的族裔。
2. 學校進步顯著:這類學校至少有40%的學生是少數族裔或貧窮家庭,他們的英語和數學方面有顯著提高。
自從產生以來, 這個獎項總共頒發大約5,600次,獎勵了大約5,200所學校 (學校可重復拿獎)。總共有133,000公立學校、私立學校、和特許學校(從K-19年級)可參加評比。
關于藍帶學校,在美國也還是有些爭議和意見的,主要是指這些學校傾斜于富人區的學校,而沒有考慮更多那些不富裕區域的學校。 -
Blue ribbon schools are the schools that have been selected and honored by government for school's academic achievement or significant improvement. For academic success, the schools are selected based on academic assessment on students and other criteria (mainly the results from math and reading test results). For academic improvement, schools are evaluated based on the location of schools, 40%minority students, income level of families and on how these disadvantaged students performed on these reading and math test. This is a good indication of how schools seriously think about their academic improvement.
藍帶中學是美國政府對學術成績突出的學校和學生進步顯著學校所授予的殊榮。對于學術成績優秀類學校,主要評估學生的學習成績(尤其是數學和閱讀的成績);對于學生進步顯著學校,主要評估學校位置,學校是否有約40%左右的少數種族, 學生家庭收入,和貧困學生是否在學術成績上有明顯提高。這些充分說明了學校很注重學生學習成績的提高。
學校的主要指標性的信息都包括在SCHOOL PROFILE 里。如學生人數及族裔比例,SAT/ACT分數,AP 課程,畢業生去向等。 南加這里很多優秀的公立高中,包括好學區的名校,并無藍帶標簽, 卻是California Distinguished High School,Nationally Recognized School, United States Department of Education。 在查看學校信息時不妨留意一下是否有Distinguished及Exemplary等詞。