1. Please explain this transfer process more in detail. For example, you transferred from a Chinese school to an American school (A) in spring and again you transferred to another school (B, current school) in fall. In this case, you are looking for transcript from school A?
2. Or you are at another school (school C) after school (B) and looking for transcripts from School A and B.
3. so please clarify more details.
首先請多說明你的轉學過程,例如你是從中國學校在春季學期轉到美國學校(A)然后你在秋季學期再度轉學到新學校(B 目前就讀的學校) ,如果這樣你要的是A學校的成績單嗎?
或者 你已從B學校轉至另一所學校了呢?(C學校) 那么你要的是A和B學校的成績單?