通常頂尖住宿制中學通常不太會招春季學期的學生,這應該是個單獨案例,即使我們必須與懷俄明高中親自聯系,懷俄明高中近來還頗受中國學生的歡迎,所以對于中國學生來說就有很大的競爭啰! 懷俄明高中對于頂尖大學的入取率很高,一般而言有到10%的學生被長春藤聯盟大學或其他頂尖大學所率取,他們校風并不僅是培育未來長春藤聯盟大學的菁英而是適才適校的成功教育。懷俄明高中并不參與高校排名制度,不過毋庸置疑懷俄明高中卻是美國東岸的頂尖中學之一。
首先你必須要找出那些學校可以招收春季(一月)學期的學生,如我所言不是每個學校在那個時間都可以收學生的。同時學校也都開始在準備2013年的秋季學期的申請工作了,也就是說現在申請春季學習有點晚了。 與其這樣還不如準備秋季學期的申請。
普來姆教育咨詢 留學之道,與您同行 -
Usually elite boarding schools, acceptance in spring is not allowed. Even though I need to contact Wyoming seminary, this should be the case. Wyoming recently gains strong popularity among Chinese students. There is heavy competition among Chinese students. Wyoming has a great acceptance rate to top university as well; usually 10% graduating seniors are accepted to IVY or most selective universities. Their philosophy of guidance office is not just to send graduates to IVY, but the right schools that student will succeed. Wyoming does not like high school rank system. However, Wyoming can be easily one of best schools in east coast of USA.
First, you need to find which schools can accept you for January term. As I mentioned, not all schools will accept. Also, it is the season for the fall 2013, and it means that you are somewhat late for the spring application, and rather time to prepare for the fall.
Nevertheless, we can do some research for you and for your long term academic plan. Going to a high school is not an ultimate goal. You might want to discuss more about your future. if you want to go one of top universities in USA, certainly we can work together. Please contact us and make an appointment. -
您有綠卡?可以選擇最好的公立高中。 申請好的私立寄宿,托福87分沒有競爭力。您可以短信我,我根據您的實際情況幫您做最好的規劃。