If you are thinking of going to one of top universities in usa, the sooner is the better! If you plan to apply for 9th grade in 2013, this is the time to apply, the competition for 9th grade admission at top boarding schools are very competitive. It requires excellent SSAT scores, TOEFL, and GPA. Your academic plan should be created based on a long term perspective with effective strategies. We are welcome to discuss about your future plan with you. Contact me at your convenient time.
Prime Global Education Consulting-We walk with you all the way. -
如果考慮以后要在美國接受高端教育與目標是頂尖的大學的話,提早準備是對的。如果你計劃申請9年級,現在就是申請的時間了,進入美國九年級頂尖的住宿制中學競爭是很激烈的。對于SSAT的分數和托福或者GPA都要求的很高,你的學業計劃會是一個長程的高效戰略計劃。我們歡迎與您共同老討論有關未來的學習計劃。讓我們一起討論有關美國求學計劃。普來姆教育咨詢Prime global consulting. 求學之道,與您同行