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紐約NYC的這幾個學校如何?各有什么特點?想爬藤的話,那所學校是最好選擇?Trinity School NYC, Horace Mann, Collegiate School, The Dalton School, 其中Collegiate School是男校,相對于混合學校,男校有什么優缺點?

FS用戶 通過 網站 提問于2012-09-27 23:36:00
  • 航海圖Jean 中級顧問
    能進去的話隨便哪個都行,排在安多福前面的學校就別再挑了。 :)
  • 回答于09/28/2012
  • 想爬藤的話,那所學校是最好選擇?
    Future in IVY league:
    Those of these five schools all send over 35% of their senior class to IVY, MIT, or Stanford University. Even when Phillips Exeter Academy (one of the most famous and best New England Boarding School) sends 30% of their senior class to IVY league universities. Out of these 5 schools, Trinity school has the highest, 42%, percentage of sending students to IVY schools.
    這五個學校入讀長春藤的比率都超過35% 如麻省理工學院和斯坦福大學。即使菲利普斯埃克塞特學院(其是著名的和最好的新英格蘭寄宿學校)也只有達到30%的入取率。這5所學校, Trinity school紐約三一學校是最高達到42%。也就是說基本要素之一是學生成績排名必須保持在同年級中前35名,才有可能獲得長春藤聯盟的大學的青睞。
  • 回答于10/04/2012
  • Hi,
    Thank you for your question.
    Sorry for the late response. I wanted to check on their current admission situation so I've called and talked to the admission officers.
    Out of Trinity, Collegiate, Brearley, Horace Mann, and Dalton, Horace Mann is the only school that is interested in taking international students and it's the only school that gives I-20.
    Trinity School, Collegiate School, Brearley School, Horace Mann, and Dalton School are all very good day schools that run from K-12 in NY State. All of these schools are very hard to get into even as an American resident. Most of these schools do not give out I-20 form, which you need to apply for student Visa F1, and only accept residents of NY, CT, NJ, or other states close by. To apply to these schools, the student and parents need to be American residents.
    So if you are not American resident, you might want to think of other day schools that provide I-20 or boarding schools near New York.
    These five schools are open for applications only for 9th grade for high school (regardless of international or domestic residents), and if the students want to apply for 10&11th grade, they will be wait listed, and they don't accept students in 12th grade.
    The only international students that are currently in their school are ones that the family moved to NY and has residence card.
    Also, most of the 9th grade students just move up from 8th grade within the same school so opening space for new student is very slim.


    從 Trinity, Collegiate, Brearley, Horace Mann, and Dalton, 只有Horace Mann學校是目前唯一對于國際學生招生有興趣的,并可以發給I-20的學校,其余的學校目前為止都尚未開放招生國際學生。
    都是美國頂尖在紐約區的重點走讀學校,年級從幼兒園,一年級到12年級都有, 所有的這些學校都是非常難進,甚至對于當地的美國人來說不是有錢就可以入讀的學校。大多數這些學校并不提供給國際學生I - 20表 ,也就是說對于外國學生的條件,必須申請的是F1學生簽證(家長因為工作任職或投資的原因,取得全家可以申請簽證入住美國的外國人)并且只限紐約的居民, 康涅狄格州,新澤西,或者靠近紐約很近的州縣。申請這幾個學校必須是美國居民或合法取的美國居民權的外國人。
    所以,如果你不是美國居民,那么你得考慮其他鄰近紐約有招收國際學生或提供I – 20簽發權的走讀學校或者鄰近的私立住宿制學校。
    目前最新信息是這五個學校只有招收九年級的高中學生(國際或美國居民),如果您想申請 11或 10年級目前可以安排在候補名單中 ,他們目前不招收12年級的學生了。
    至于你提到的男校Collegiate School,相對于混合學校,男校有什么優缺點?
    我不知道你對于小孩就美國讀書的設定目標,顯而易見的你的小孩是位男孩。其中Brearley是個日間走讀女校。我自小即獨自出國入讀美國寄宿制初中到高中,我對于孩子們身處異鄉所遇到的種種困難深有體會, 能夠充分理解國際學生于美國留學所需要的申請條件與名校校園學習所需要的協助,我經常往返美國中學,我兩個的弟弟妹妹都在新英格蘭州讀中學,都是我本人親自實踐操作申請,我自身就是美國中學的圈內人,我想留學應該是整套量身訂做一套培養系統,包含美國學習照護的全方位服務,讓孩子實現學業上的成功以至超越自我。
  • Coed vs. Single Sex School
    In Single Sex Schools, many students find it easier to focus on academics when they aren’t distracted by members of the opposite sex. Others may find it easier to participate actively in classes where everyone is the same sex. Research studies show that girls aged 11 to 18 years do better in math and the sciences at single sex schools. Boys do better at many subjects. Although it may be easier for students to participate actively and do well academically at a single sex institution, the real world is not single sex. It may prove difficult for students from single sex schools to adjust to a co-ed work atmosphere after they graduate.

    其他如男校或女校間友情建立,姊妹淘 兄弟幫的團隊是更讓人心怡的,這種同學團體間的連結是無可取代的,通常是會成為一輩子的良師益友。
    在男女同校的環境中,學生將更積極和投注專注力,因為為了吸引異性的影響,兩性可以更有啟發性的學習。 兩性合作的成果將在未來人生中更受益, 這將是進入大學或畢業后很好的因應準備。
  • 想爬藤的話,那所學校是最好選擇?
    這五個學校入讀長春藤的比率都超過35% 如麻省理工學院和斯坦福大學。即使菲利普斯埃克塞特學院(其是著名的和最好的新英格蘭寄宿學校)也只有達到30%的入取率。這5所學校, Trinity school紐約三一學校是最高達到42%。也就是說基本要素之一是學生成績排名必須保持在同年級中前35名,才有可能獲得長春藤聯盟的大學的青睞。
  • FS用戶 讀者
  • 回答于11/06/2012

