最佳回答BrothersEdu創始人盧可老師 中級顧問關于是否可以繞開第三方的問題,其實都是老生常談的問題了,您是覺得有監管費還是別的原因?具體學校的官網都會有一些要求,比如是否可以自行安置住家還是需要學校認可的第三方,建議你可以上學校的官網直接看,這樣獲取的數據是最權威也是最有效的,假如官網上沒有,您可以直接email學校,就把您的這個想法跟學校溝通,學校會給你解決方案的,祝順利!
We do not provide boarding facilities. International students at Malden Catholic often use agency services for host family arrangements and guardianship in the United States. Students must apply through an approved agency (see list of agencies here) or have a family member living in the Boston area. Students who enroll at Malden Catholic with agency representation are required to remain with that agency throughout their education.
從字面上來看,或者是必須經過學校Approve 的中介機構,或者是和家庭成員住在一起,您的情況是找朋友,那么建議具體再和學校確認一下。