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老師們好,請問kids world school inc and cornerstone academy of los angeles 和STAR prep academy怎么樣?

FS用戶 通過 網站 提問于2019-01-10 18:20:05
  • TurningPoint 初級顧問
    Kids World School & Cornerstone Academy 與 STAR prep academy

    相比較推薦Star Prep Academy。

    Kids World School & Cornerstone Academy is a very small school. It is a private school located in Los Angeles, CA. It has 53 students in grades K-12 with a student-teacher ratio of 7 to 1.

    Kids World School & Cornerstone Academy Rankings
    Most Diverse Private High Schools in California:258 of 679

    STAR Prep Academy
    Overall Grade: A
    Private: 6-12
    Los Angeles, CA

    STAR Prep Academy Rankings
    Best High Schools for the Arts in California: 54 of 66
    Best Private High Schools in California: 152 of 376
    Best College Prep Private High Schools in California: 237 of 366
  • 回答于01/11/2019

    沒有理解您問著幾所學校的原因?孩子是幾年級?我們看了一下,一所學校是K-6, 一所是6-12, 一所是K-12,那么是不是準備申請6年級呢?另外為什么要選這幾所學校,因為這三所學校都屬于非常小的學校,人數都只有十幾人。

    能否問一下孩子準備申請幾年級? 你們是需要I-20嗎?還是有美國身份。
