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請問美高走讀的高中kingswood oxford 和 tower hill 哪個更好?

奔跑中 通過 網站 提問于2019-01-10 16:04:15
  • 回答于01/11/2019

    兩所學校都不錯,但是我更傾向于Tower Hill,您可以看一下FS上老師們對這所學校的評價:http://www.61mw.com/Tower-Hill-School-DE

    從學術的角度來看,Tower Hill要略勝一點,但是周邊環境不如Kingswood Oxford. 建議綜合考慮。
  • 回答于01/11/2019
    您好:我剛剛走訪過這2所學校,我們都有學生就讀,反饋都非常不錯。相對來說,Kingswood該校注重寫作和演講;Tower hill的STEM和機器人非常好。從學術來講,Tower hill略勝一籌。Kingswood的周圍有超市,生活更便利。
  • 回答于01/11/2019
    你好,兩所學校屬于同一級別,kingswood的課外活動方面比較豐富多彩,tower hill的話比較偏學術。選擇學校最重要的是看學生與學校的匹配程度,包括學術難度,課外活動,地理位置,升學走向等等。
  • TurningPoint 初級顧問
    Kingswood-Oxford School 與 Tower Hill School 的比較

    Kingswood-Oxford School (康涅狄格州)is a top rated, private school located in West Hartford, CT. It has 507 students in grades 6-12 with a student-teacher ratio of 7 to 1. Tuition is $39,500 for the highest grade offered. After graduation, 100% of students from this school go on to attend a 4-year college.

    Kingswood-Oxford School Rankings
    Best College Prep Private High Schools in Connecticut:10 of 60
    Best Private High Schools in Connecticut:13 of 61
    Best High Schools for STEM in Connecticut:21 of 113

    Average Graduation Rate:100%
    Average SAT:1310

    Tower Hill School (特拉華州)is a top rated, private school located in Wilmington, DE. It has 722 students in grades PK, K-12 with a student-teacher ratio of 8 to 1. Tuition is $30,126 for the highest grade offered. After graduation, 100% of students from this school go on to attend a 4-year college.

    Tower Hill School Rankings
    Best Private K-12 Schools in Delaware:1 of 14
    Best College Prep Private High Schools in Delaware:2 of 21
    Best Private High Schools in Delaware:2 of 21

    Average Graduation Rate:100%
    Average SAT:1320
  • 回答于01/14/2019
    這兩所學校都不錯,屬同一檔次。推薦選 tower hill 。
  • 回答于02/17/2019
