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請問 Head-Royce school 和 Crystal spring uplands school 如何?女兒標化成績優秀,英語基本是母語水平,文科比理科更好,有主見,但性格比較慢熱內向,適合怎樣的學校?后者學校只有400人左右,是否不利于交友?

FS用戶 通過 網站 提問于2018-12-22 17:38:27
  • 7edu-Dr. Jing 中級顧問
    兩所學校都是加州的名校,只是好象這兩所學校不招留學生的。Crystal spring uplands school的規模稍小一些是因為它沒有小學,兩校高中部的規模相當,算是比較適中的。
  • 回答于12/24/2018

    The Crystal spring uplands school 不招收需要I-20的國際生,以下是學校官網信息,請參考:
    Unfortunately we cannot offer an I-20 Visa. We do not have any ESL classes. If these specifics are not the case, we would be happy to review an international application. International applicants follow the same timeline as local applicants and must complete the required application steps, including testing. We do not accept the TOEFL in place of the ISEE or SSAT.

    如果孩子不存在需要I-20, 那么兩所學校都是非常不錯的,400人左右的學校不能算小,學校網站上也有2019-2020,每個年級會要錄取的人數,我也貼出來,供您參考:

    For the 2019-20 school year, we will be bringing approximately 72 students into our 6th grade class. We will add roughly 25-30 students to our rising 9th grade class in order to create a 9th grade class total of approximately 90 students. We will be accepting a handful of students for 10th and 11th grade and we will not be accepting applications for grades 7, 8, or 12.
  • 回答于12/26/2018
