學校要求第一步必須要先提交維力克面試,然后根據(jù)情況學校再Schedule 面試。
due to the high demand of International applicants from China, we require an interview with Vericant as the first step of the admission process for Chinese students. Please fill out an online inquiry form with us and then set up your interview with Vericant. Please know that Vericant does not evaluate our candidates, they only administer the first interview, which is then submitted to WMA. We will then determine which candidates will be offered an interview with our Admission Office. In order to meet WMA’s admission deadline of February 1, candidates must schedule a Vericant interview on or before December 31. Students who have visited our campus for a tour and an interview or who are currently studying in the U.S. do not need to contact Vericant.