最佳回答BrothersEdu創始人盧可老師 中級顧問需要好好考慮一下,首先11年級接受的學校比較少,第二就是門檻不低,我剛剛走訪了美國50所TOP100的寄宿牛校,很多學校不用說11年級了,10年級都很少,比如Miss Portor,連10年級都不招的,還有westover,所以需要好好考慮,當然要是考慮走讀學校的話可選的余地會大一些,但是要是有寄宿情節的話,補錄階段我可以拿到不少寄宿學校的名額,可以幫到孩子,但是現在需要開始好好準備了
If you are already in a school in the US, and if you are thinking about transferring at this point, then perhaps the top schools are too late since many of them have deadlines mid or end January. However, there are still a lot of schools that will take applications.