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老師家長好,我是一名九升九的同學。想請教大家Gould Academy 和Charles Wright Academy哪所學校更好一些?或者應該怎么選擇?想聽聽大家的建議。

Jonsuk 通過 iPhone應用 提問于2017-01-17 21:17:33
  • 回答于01/17/2017
    首先兩所都是還不錯的學校,當然有一個大的區別就是一個是10申10一個是走讀,一個在美國東北部,一個在華盛頓州,所以地理位置也是需要你需要重點考量的因素,不知道你目前的標化成績及其自己跟兩所學校的匹配點是什么樣的, 還是需要深入了解兩個學校的情況再做決定。
  • 回答于01/26/2017
    Both are good schools with high average SAT/ACT scores, low student-teacher ratio and received good feedback from parents and students. Gould offers a large variety of extracurricular activities and sports.

    Choosing a suitable school depends on many things including:
    -SSAT Scores
    -TOEFL Scores
    -School grades
    -Extracurricular Activities
    -Whether you are interested in a large or small school, and city or country school
  • 回答于01/19/2017
