Academically speaking, Greensboro Day School has a higher average SAT/ACT score and a lower student-teacher ratio. It also has a higher percentage of international students.
Their Class of 2016 (80 students) submitted 680 college applications, received 297 acceptances (44%), and matriculated at colleges including University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, North Carolina State University, University of Georgia and University of South Carolina. -
您好,這兩所學校在今年2月份我都參觀過,Greensboro Day School是非教會學校,學術上更優秀一些,招生主任非常友好,他本人已經在教育行業工作了30多年。學校每年都會舉行大型的戲劇表演活動,學校還開設了廣播制作課程,學校每次大型演出,都由學生自己來親自導播。學校還開設有中文課程,對國際生關注度很高。這所學校的大學錄取率高達100%。2016年春季還專門為中國學生舉行了春季聯歡會。Caldwell Academy是教會學校,校長也很友好,中國人不多。因為國際生少語言環境比較好。