是有ABC可以做, 然后就可以進頂級高中了. 但實際沒那么簡單, 大多數孩子是做不到ABC的. 比如東方老師說的數學競賽, 不是所有孩子都喜歡數學有天賦能達到那個層次. 還有體育好也管用, 每場球踢進三個球肯定管用, 但這個不是所有孩子都能做的. 所以說來說去, 還是要根據每個孩子的特色, 找到他喜歡的東西去發展. 而這個在這里是問不出來的, 因為我們都不了解你的孩子. 即使了解也未必能指出一條通往名校的必由之路. 再說殘酷一點, 因為孩子的性格等先天條件發育先后家庭背景等等原因, 大部分孩子是去不了頂級名校的, 并不是因為家長做了和沒做什么.
7年級來美國,申請高中時托福和ssat或isee成績還是需要的。除此之外,可以準備一下美國的初中數學競賽,象AMC 8 和 Mathcounts, 如果孩子的數學非常好的話。我曾經做過這兩個競賽的輔導,最好成績是兩次AMC 8 州團體冠軍和一次Mathcounts州冠軍。
美國高中數學物理教師 -
Schools in US prefer students to have the followings:
- High level of English
- Good grades
- Good test scores
- Outstanding extracurricular activities
- Good interview
- Good essays
To prepare for the interviews, read more English books and watch a lot of US TV, talk to a lot of students who are native English speakers, go to summer school, etc.
In terms of extracurricular activities, it is important that whatever you do, the schools can see your passion. Meaning that if you play piano, they will want to see the grades you’ve achieved or prizes you’ve won, how your music teachers are very supportive of your efforts. Keep that up and many of the schools will be interested.