18 | 圣母大學 (University of Notre Dame) | 1 人以上 |
25 | 紐約大學 (New York University) | 1 人以上 |
25 | 密歇根大學安娜堡分校 (University of Michigan) | 1 人以上 |
34 | 加州大學歐文分校 (University of California: Irvine) | 1 人以上 |
34 | 加州大學圣地亞哥分校 (University of California: San Diego) | 1 人以上 |
38 | 加州大學戴維斯分校 (University of California: Davis) | 1 人以上 |
51 | 普渡大學西拉法葉分校 (Purdue University) | 1 人以上 |
55 | 華盛頓大學 (University of Washington) | 1 人以上 |
62 | 雪城大學 (Syracuse University) | 1 人以上 |
62 | 弗吉尼亞理工學院與州立大學 (Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University) | 1 人以上 |
11 | 華盛頓和李大學 (Washington and Lee University) | 1 人以上 |
39 | 丹尼森大學 (Denison University) | 1 人以上 |
[學術方面] 課程難度不大,好好學能拿到比較高的GPA;每天3:30放學,之后就是社團活動、球隊、自由活動的時間;12年級的時候可以去邊上開車10分鐘的Benedictine College上幾門大學本科課程,對于申請有幫助,也可以轉學分到將來的大學;我覺得老師基本上都挺nice的,像之前還有個化學老師會給我們液氮制冰激凌;個人覺得生物課和解剖課很有趣,會在校園里抓蟲子、解剖青蛙、解剖乳豬、解剖貂等等 [生活方面] 學校伙食一般,選擇不多,就是比較典型美國食物;學校附近有一個Walmart,生活所需用品基本都能在那買到,可以自己走過去也可以做宿舍的班車Van Run去;鎮上有一家福建老板開的中餐館叫Young Dragon,可以點外賣送到宿舍,Pizza Hut必勝客也可以點外賣;平時周末都會有大巴車帶住宿生去Kansas City的購物中心,比如Oak Park Mall等等,那附近還有亞洲超市888和日料韓料店,可以買很多好吃的;宿舍可以自己做飯,調料、鍋碗瓢盆等等都有提供,食材也有提供一小部分,但想做好吃的還是要自己去超市買肉類和蔬菜等等;不要在公共廚房的冰箱放自己的東西,會被偷的;一年四季空調 暖氣都開著,教學樓和宿舍的室內溫度基本上都是非常舒適,換季的時候可能會有點冷或者熱,問題不大 [申請方面] 學校一共有9-12四個年級,人數一共是200人左右,國際生占比大約30%;中國學生不多,鼎盛時期全校大概有20個左右,最近幾屆的中國學生加起來也就是個位數 [住家方面] 國際生都是住在宿舍里面的,學校宿管統一管理,沒有住家的學生;男生宿舍2人一間,女生宿舍都是單人間;宿舍樓是男生一幢女生一幢,都是地面上2層加地下室1層;男生宿舍因為人多會比女生宿舍大一些,公共活動區域也會大一些,但是女生宿舍廚房更棒,設施更加齊全 [課外活動和社團] 課外活動挺多的,橄欖球、足球、籃球、棒球、游泳、高爾夫、音樂劇等等學生社團都有的,想要參加基本上都能加的,球隊競爭會比較大,因為美國學生體育方面很強;學校平時也有很多活動,比如Homecoming舞會、Prom畢業舞會等等,Homecoming Week、International Day也是每年都有的活動,個人最喜歡的是萬圣節,有幾年住宿生會在Hide Out地下室自己搭鬼屋,然后面向小鎮居民開放來玩
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3.0 / 5
3 回答
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Maur Hill - Mount Academy is located in historic Atchison, Kansas. The city of Atchison is situated along the Missouri River in the northeast corner of the state. A short trip away from major city attractions and conveniences. 35 minutes from Kansas City, 15 from St. Joseph, Missouri, and 45 minutes from Topeka, Kansas. The Kansas City International Airport (MCI) is located only 35 minutes from campus. Maur Hill - Mount Academy will transport students to and from the airport when arrival and departures. MH-MA residence centers, St. Leo’s (boys dorm) and Howard Hall (girls dorm), have spacious rooms with many amenities including wireless internet. Each dorm has a lounge for the students and includes sitting for television, tables for studying/eating, as well as a kitchen available for the students to cook. The dormitories were built differently from each other. As such, the boys' rooms are larger, and two boys will actually share a room. The girls' rooms are individually sized, and they will have a room to themselves. Maur Hill-Mount Academy is located on 90 acres. On campus students have 3 tennis courts, 2 football fields, 2 soccer fields, baseball field, and plenty of space for other fun activites. With more than 25 sports, clubs, and activities, there is something for everyone. 98% of graduates continue their education in College. Enrollment of 205 students, with average class size of 18.
加小助手: fsmeigao2019
官網 | http://www.mh-ma.com |
地址 | 1000 Green Street, Atchison, KS 66002-0660 |
電話 | 913-367-5482 |
郵箱 | admissions@mh-ma.com |
州 | 堪薩斯州 |